John Smith is a very forgetful
professor. He often forgets about his meetings, lessons, and even
meals! Last summer Mr. Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town. The town was about a three-hour train ride away. Mr. Smith kept the name of the town a secret because he wanted to make the trip more interesting to his young children. They left on a Sunday morning. When they arrived at the station Mr. Smith found that he had forgotten the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily a friend of his happened to be in the station. The friend said he would look after the children while John hurried home to find out where he was going. When he came back home, Mrs. Smith was surprised to see her husband. "Oh, my dear, I forgot the na [判断题]因违法使用警械武器造成危害后果的人民警察,应负其所属机关代表国家承担赔偿责任的被追偿责任。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪一种牙髓炎多发生在年轻人()。
A. 慢性溃疡性牙髓炎 B. 慢性增生性牙髓炎 C. 牙髓变性 D. 慢性闭锁性牙髓炎 E. 牙髓坏死 [判断题]中央政治局是党的最高权力机关。
A. 免费 B. 有偿 [单项选择]甲氨蝶呤的作用机理:
A. 减少四氢叶酸生成而抑制蛋白质的合成 B. 作用于核糖体而抑制蛋白质的合成 C. 抑制DNA多聚酶 D. 损害细胞膜而致细胞毒作用 E. 与嘌呤或嘧啶竞争而抑制核酸合成 [简答题]说明促卵泡素、促黄体素、孕马血清促性腺激素、绒毛膜促性激素的生理作用以及在动物繁殖中的应用。
[多选题]柱上无功补偿装置用于改善电网供电电压、( )、主要适用于户外长距离输配电线路,补充线路无功损耗,提高并稳定线路末端电压,改善线路供电质量。
A.A、提高功率因数、 B.B、降低功率因数、 C.C、提高线路损耗、 D.D、降低线路损耗 [单选题]国产HXD1型电力机车空气制动施加且机车速度大于( ),牵引将切除。
A.5km/h B.10km/h C.15km/h D.20km/h [填空题]陈列橱窗或其他玻璃表面应无污渍及手指印。清洁玻璃或橱窗的工作请于( )进行( )。
[单项选择]某企业以“2/10,n/30”的信用条件购进一批原材料,若放弃现金折扣,则资金的机会成本为( )。
A. 37.63% B. 36.73% C. 73.63% D. 63.73% [单选题]ADRIU3可向谁提供信息:
A.向DMC1,DMC2和DMC3 B.仅向DMC1和DMC2 C.仅向DMC1和DMC3 D.仅向DMC2和DMC3 [简答题]新版《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中对视频监控系统有何要求?
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