The timing of market entry is critical
to the success of a new product. A company has two alternatives: it can compete
to enter a new product market first—otherwise known as "pioneering"—or it can
wait for a competitor to take the lead, and then follow once the market has been
established. Despite the limitations of existing research, nobody denies that
there are advantages to being a pioneering company. Over the years, there has
been a good deal of evidence to show a performance advantage for
pioneers. For many new products, customers are initially unsure about the contribution of product characteristics and features to the products’ value. Preferences for different characteristics and their desired levels are learned over time. This enables the pioneering company to shape customer preferences in its favour. It sets the standard to which customers r A. (A) They take some time to develop a liking for them. B. (B) They make comparisons with other new products. C. (C) They need some persuasion to purchase them. D. (D) They consider cost an important feature. [单项选择]《中外合资、合作医疗机构管理暂行办法》中规定,设立涉外医疗机构,中方在中外合资、合作医疗机构中所占的股份比例或权益不得低于()
A. 30% B. 35% C. 40% D. 51% [单选题]机动车发生故障不能行驶时,除白天应遵守的规定外,夜间应要( )
A.开启前照灯、示廓灯、后位灯,并开启危险报警闪光灯 B.有专人看守 C.紧靠路边停放 [简答题]对托运方来说,运费主要包括:固定费用、可变费用和损失性费用。( )
A.肝脏MRA B.肝脏增强CT C.肝动脉造影 D.B超下穿刺活检 E.肝脏B超 [多选题]政府专职消防员自入职起接受考评,考评结果作为( )的主要依据。
A.立功嘉奖 B.评优评先 C.合同续签 D.等级晋升 E.职务任免 F.薪酬发放 [单选题]43.深大而有规律的呼吸,常见于
A.喉头水肿 B.支气管哮喘 C.代谢性酸中毒 D.高热 E.肺气肿 [单选题]白色实线划于路段中时,用以分割同向行驶的机动车和非机动车,或指示车行道的( );设于路口时,可用作导向车道线或停止线。
A.两端 B.边缘 C.长短 [多选题]汽车火灾特点( )。
A.火势蔓延迅猛 B.易发生爆炸 C.易造成人员伤亡 D.火灾扑救困难 [单项选择]老年期心理变化的趋势是().
A. 感知觉开始减退 B. 流体智力缓慢下降 C. 记忆逐渐减退 D. 以上都正确 [判断题]电气化铁路竣工时,由施工单位在接触网支柱内缘或隧道边墙标出线路的轨面标准线,开通前供电、工务单位要共同复查确认,有砟轨道每年复测一次,复测结果与原轨面标准线误差不得大于±30mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]国家在城市管理、 市场监管、 生态环境、 、 交通运输、 、 农业
A.文化市场 B.金融市场 C.应急管理 D.重大突发事件 [多项选择]对于ARF少尿期患者的护理,下列不正确的是()
A. 可输库存血 B. 严格禁食蛋白质 C. 因血钠低,故应增加钠盐摄入 D. 热量以糖为主,适量脂肪 E. 增加含钾食物的摄入 [单项选择]若长明灯检测温度(),表明点火失败,此时长明灯温度联锁动作,高空点火器重新自动点火。
A. ≤200℃ B. ≥200℃ C. ≤300℃ D. ≥300℃ [单选题]联合行文可以是不同级机关或部门吗?
A.可以 B.不可以 C.无所谓 D.不知道 我来回答: 提交