With U.S. companies sitting on an estimated $1.8 trillion in cash, it raises the question: Why aren’t they deploying more of their hoard to expand their businesses Or one might channel John Maynard Keynes to ask: Where have the "animal spirits" gone Although capital spending in the U.S. is up 12 percent since the lows of early 2009, it’s still running $88 billion below the peak of $1.34 trillion reached in the first quarter of 2008, says Joseph LaVorgna, chief U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank. He doesn’t expect capital spending to catch up to that peak level and officially start to expand until the second quarter of 2011. (LaVorgna’s definition of capital spending includes physical equipment and software, but not structures such as new stores or manufacturing plants. Spending on structures is about 2 percent of gross domestic product, one-third the size of capital sending’s contribution to GDP, he says.)
"The trend and momentum
A. U.S. capital spending will reach $1.34 trillion in the second quarter of 2011
B. U.S. companies are reluctant to invest due to the product surplus in the market
C. Keynes restricted the "animal spirits" of U.S. companies
D. U.S. companies have not used their capital effectively
The Fat Problem that Men
Face{{/B}} It is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight. Listening to them is not such a pleasure. Because the men are new at the game, they don’t hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessantly. However women of the same age do not discuss the fat problem, especially not in mixed company. They prefer to face the problem with quiet dignity. Discussing the problem might only draw attention to some stray body part that may be successfully tucked away under an article of clothing. The age at which a man begins to explore the fat problem can vary. The actual problem can manifest itself in the early 30’s, but broad-range discussion usually starts later. There are early nonverbal symptoms. I’ve watched the rugged journalis [判断题]在发生危及旅客人身安全和铁路运营秩序的特殊情况下,携带导盲犬的旅客可不接受铁路工作人员的组织和引导。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脑脊液蛋白电泳γ球蛋白增加常见于()
A. 脑积水 B. 椎管梗阻 C. 急性化脓性脑膜炎 D. 小脑萎缩 E. 脱髓鞘病 [单选题]根据( ),投资收益是由投资风险驱动的,风险越大,所要求的报酬率就越高。
A.风险报酬理论 B.风险控制理论 C.多米诺骨牌理论 D.能量破坏性释放理论 [单项选择]根据《全国土壤污染状况调查样品分析测试技术规定》采用红外分光光度法测定土壤样品中石油类时,土壤中的油类非皂化物用()提取。
A. 三氯甲烷 B. 石油醚 C. 苯 D. 四氯化碳 [单项选择]从世界范围看,根据政府支持程度的不同,出口信用保险的经营形式不包括下列()。
A. 政府直接经营方式 B. 政府间接经营方式 C. 政府委托经营方式 D. 政府部分经营方式 [判断题]JT-800/630型矿用绞车工作闸用以控制下放速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]放射治疗中,皮肤护理措施包括()
A. 维持放射野内皮肤清洁、干燥 B. 放射野内皮肤有脱屑应轻轻拭去,以防细菌生长 C. 不用刺激性药物及化妆品 D. 维持局部清洁,可每天用肥皂水清洗 E. 局部皮肤防止衣物摩擦及搔抓 [填空题]稳定系统各泵均装有()。
[单选题]客车照明系统出库质量标准中要求车内( )光色一致。
A.灯具 B.灯罩 C.顶灯 D.灯带 [判断题]线路验电应逐相进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择].在Visual FoxPro中,建立数组的命令关键词为( )
A. DIMENSION B. DECLARE C. ARRAY D. 以上A、B都正确 [简答题]职业技能等级认定理论知识考试中不应包含有关法律法规方面的内容。
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