Let us suppose that you am in the
position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read any book they wanted
to without first checking its contents Would you take your children to see any
film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them If your answer
to these questions is "yes", than you am either extremely permissive. If your
answer is "no", then you are exercising your right as a parent to protect your
children from what you consider to be undesirable influences. In other words, by
acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for
censorship. Now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. Children need protection and it is the parents’ responsibility to provide it. A. Make morally bad. B. Hurt. C. Injure. D. Damage. [单项选择]间歇性的精神病人,在精神正常时违反治安管理的,( )
A. 从轻处罚 B. 免予处罚 C. 应予处罚 D. 严加管教 [判断题]废水的的指标BOD/COD值小于0.3为难生物降解污水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于非保本浮动收益理财计划,风险提示的内容应至少包括以下语句:
A.本理财计划有投资风险,您只能获得合同明确承诺的收益,您应充分认识投资风险,谨慎投资 B.本理财计划是高风险投资产品,您的本金可能会因市场变动而蒙受重大损失,您应充分认识投资风险,谨慎投资 C.本人已经阅读上述风险提示,充分了解并清楚知晓本产品的风险,愿意承担相关风险 D.本理财计划有投资风险,您的本金可能会因市场变动而蒙受重大损失,您应充分认识投资风险,谨慎投资 [判断题]夜间作业时应有足够的照明。钢筋上严禁绑、挂电线,在绑扎钢筋时,不要碰撞电线。( )
A.电子表格,图表,数据库 B.文字输入,表格,公式 C.公式计算,图表,表格 D.图表,电子表格,公式计 [单选题]遇天气恶劣,信号机显示距离不足( )m时,司机或车站值班员须立即报告列车调度员,列车调度员应及时发布调度命令,改按天气恶劣难以辨认信号的办法行车。
A.200 B.400 C.1000 [单选题]杨先生,31岁。婚后3年与妻子正常性生活,未采取避孕措施,妻子未孕。排除女性因素外,杨先生除全身检查外还应重点检查的是
A.精液常规检查 B.性功能检查 C.免疫学相关检查 D.精子穿透力检查 E.心理检查 [简答题]什么是最低能耗体形?
A.违法行为发生之日 B.违法行为实施完毕之日 C.公安机关受理案件之日 D.危害后果发生之日 [多选题]只有( ),机关党建工作才能找准定位。
A.围绕中心 B.建设队伍 C.服务群众 D.推动党建和业务深度融合 [判断题]倒闸操作必须2人进行,1人操作,一人监护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲因抢劫乙而被人民检察院提起公诉。夏某为甲的辩护人,周某为乙的诉讼代理人。在开庭审理中,公诉人在法庭上宣读完起诉书后,可以就起诉书指控的犯罪事实进行陈述的是谁( )
A. 甲本人 B. 甲和乙 C. 甲和夏某 D. 乙和周某 [单项选择]A "scientistic" view of language was dominant among philosophers and linguists who affected to develop a scientific analysis of human thought and behavior in the early part of this century, Under the force of this view, it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pleasure and a means to urge people to right action, it might also be a means to distort truth and a source of misguided action) to the status of being wholly condemned. If people are regarded only as machines guided by logic as they were be these "scientistic" thinkers, rhetoric is likely to be held in low regard: for the most obvious truth about rhetoric is that it speaks to the whole person. It presents its arguments first to the person as a rational being, because persuasive discourse, if honestly conceived, always has a basis in reasoning. Logical argument is the plot, as it were, of any speech or e
A. an aim of most speakers and writers B. an indication either of dishonesty or of credulity C. a way of displaying distrust of the audience’s motives D. a characteristic of most humanistic discourse [多选题]消防员应选择与本人身材匹配的帽、盔、()等装备,严禁穿着不合体装备参与作战训练行动。
A.服装 B.手套 C.靴 D.鞋 [单选题]患者,男性,80岁,因COPD合并肺部感染入院治疗,在使用抗生素7天后,患者出现了发热、腹痛、腹泻,为水样便。查血常规白细胞升高,结肠镜检查见肠壁充血、水肿,考虑该病人出现了
A.急性细菌性痢疾 B.食物中毒引起的腹泻 C.抗菌药物相关性腹泻 D.病毒引起的腹泻 E.胃肠功能紊乱引起的腹泻 [判断题]挖掘机、装载机、推土机等大型工程机械在铁路安全保护区内进行有碍行车安全的施工时,应取得电务、通信等部门对电缆埋设位置的确认,并现场配合,方准施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]危机新闻发布的主体性问题是 () 。
A.快速应对 B.掌握话语权 C.赢得共识 D.道德与关怀 [简答题]发展党员工作的要求?
[不定项选择题]丹毒患者出现的皮疹类型是( )。
A.丘疹 B.斑疹 C.荨麻疹 D.斑丘疹 E.玫瑰疹 [填空题]( )扣件是一种无螺栓无挡肩的弹条扣件。
A.减重 B.增大电池容量 C.增加桨长度 [判断题] 未严格执行调控人员持证上岗制度属于管理性违章。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若专责监护人必须长时间离开工作现场时,应由( )变更专责监护人,履行变更手续,并告知全体被监护人员。
A.工作票签发人; B.工作负责人; C.工作许可人; D.工作票签发人与工作负责人 [单选题]货币最基本的职能是( )。( )
A.价值尺度和流通尺度 B.流通手段和储藏手段 C.储藏手段和支付手段 D.支付手段和世界货币 [单选题].患者,男,20岁,左手腕部刀伤,致正中神经损伤,经手术治疗创口愈合后,以下哪项治疗应谨慎进行?( )
A. 腕部音频电疗 B. 失神经肌肉电刺激 C. 针灸治疗 D. 蜡浴法 E. 戴屈曲掌指关节、伸指间关节、外展拇指支具 [判断题]恶劣天气能见度在5米以内或道路最大纵坡度在6%以上,能见度在10米以内时应紧急停( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]罗红霉素需检查
A. 异常毒性 B. 水分 C. 碱度 D. 有关物质 E. 降压物质 [单选题]2型糖尿病的主要死亡原因是( )
A.酮症酸中毒 B.心脑血管病变 C.感染 D.糖尿病肾病 E.非酮症性糖尿病性高渗性昏迷 [单项选择]在审计证据中往往占主要部分,数量最多、来源最广的审计证据是()。
A. 实物证据 B. 书面证据 C. 口头证据 D. 视听或电子证据 [单项选择]信用证金额为10万美元,受益人出货8万美元后将单据交银行议付。议付后的第二天收到开证行撤证的通知,此时()。
A. 议付行取消议付,并向受益人追索已议付的货款 B. 开证行对已议付的8万美元仍应偿付,其余2万美元即失效 C. 因在撤销通知到达前已部分议付,该证仍然全部有效 [单项选择]不安全事件处理应按()原则执行。
A. 二不放过 B. 三不放过 C. 四不放过 D. 五不放过 [多选题]骨折急救时,肢体骨折可用()等将断骨上、下方两个关节固定,也可利用伤员身体进行固定,避免骨折部位移动,以减少疼痛,防止伤势恶化。
A.夹板 B.木棍 C.废纸 D.竹竿 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交