Why haven’t I left yet Everyone seems
to be asking me this question now. Clearly their having to say goodbye as if
it’s the last time they’re ever going to see me is beginning to wear out my
friends. Some of the more unfortunate must have said goodbye at least three or
four times. Much to everyone’s delight, I will be setting off this Saturday, but
getting all the necessary visas for the journey has been far from quick, cheap
or straightforward. Getting a Chinese visa was easy enough. The Mongolian embassy seemed a bit unprepared for me, or in fact any other tourist, wanting .to visit the country in winter and it took half an hour of knocking on the door before I got an answer. The Mongolian visa, however, has a map of the country in the background that should come in handy if I get lost o A. Curious and eager. B. Patient and encouraged. C. Worried but proud. D. Tired but hopeful. [判断题]热电偶补偿导线及热电偶冷端补偿器,在测温中所起的作用是一样的,都是对热电偶冷端温度进行补偿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]五味子素的结构类型为
A.简单木脂素 B.单环氧木脂素 C.木脂内酯 D.联苯环辛烯型木脂素 E.其他木脂素 [单选题]设备运维管理单位应将配电站、开闭所的井、坑、孔、洞或沟(槽)覆以与地面齐平而坚固的盖板,所有吊物孔、没有盖板的孔洞、楼梯和平台,应装设符合()的栏杆和护板。
A.安全要求 B.技术要求 C.设计要求 D.安装要求 [填空题]强酸阳树脂出厂时一般为()型,强碱阴树脂出厂时一般为()型。
A.潮湿的场地上 B.含有酸类的场地上 C.水泥地面上 D.金属容器内 [单选题]下列那种组织中含水量最为丰富
A.脂肪 B.皮肤 C.肌肉 D.骨骼 E.神经 我来回答: 提交