In response to those who would suggest
that there are no victims for the Hollywood malfeasance cited in this author’s
series of books on Hollywood, the following is a fairly comprehensive list of
the victims of the Hollywood-based U.S. film industry. Millions of parents are fooled into spending their hard-earned money and taking their children to inappropriate movies. Millions of children and adults are exposed over a lifetime to consistent negative and stereotypical portrayals of certain populations in our diverse society. Such portrayals lead to prejudice, which in turn leads to discrimination and unnecessary conflict, adversely affecting the entire nation. Millions of politicians, government officials, parents, teachers and others in positions of authority are consistently portrayed as fools and bumbling idiots in A. Remark on a book. B. Many examples to disprove a point made by a book. C. Ways to solve problems in Hollywood. D. Film-making and audience response. [判断题]翻越障碍训练时,必须设置缓冲垫,在落点等处不必设置专人保护。严禁在障碍板湿滑的情况下实施训练。
A. 如实报告义务 B. 尽力提供居间服务的义务 C. 保守秘密的义务 D. 支付必要费用的义务 [单选题]A/P工作时,选择了LVLCHG方式执行爬升或下降后:
A.A/P使飞机保持MCPSPD B.增大MCP速度可增加飞机上升率 C.减小MCP速度可增加下降率 D.以上各项都对 [单选题]A-B-001523
在JB1036-1974中规定:起重机吊起额定负荷时,主梁产生的最大变形 A.1/400 B.1/500 C.1/600 D.1/700 [单项选择]只生活于海洋环境内的古生物:()
A. 双壳类; B. 有孔虫; C. 三叶虫; D. 叶肢介。 [判断题] 胡锦涛指出加强和改善党的领导实质就是要树立和落实科学发展观 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《中国石油天然气集团公司反违章禁令学习手册》,在安全生产工作中,通常所说的“三违”现象是指( )。
A.违反作业规程、违反操作规程、违反安全规程 B.违章指挥、违章操作、违反劳动纪律 C.违规进行安全培训、违规发放劳动防护用品、违规消减安全技措经费 D.违反规定建设、违反规定生产、违反规定销售 [填空题]西方插花造型中,单面观的有()(任选3种);四面观的有半()(任选3种)。
A.变电运维部门 B.电网调度控制中心 C.营销部门 D.线路运维部门 [多项选择]可以增加手部肌力的训练是()
A. 捏黏土或橡皮泥 B. 珠算 C. 捏饺子 D. 木刻 E. 医疗体操 [多项选择]国家实行兽用()分类管理制度。
A. 处方药 B. 非处方药 C. 中兽药 [单项选择]冬天雪兔换上了白毛,是对有雪环境的适应,但当降雪延迟,白毛雪兔很容易被捕食者发现。这种现象在生物学中称为( )。
A. 保护色 B. 适应性 C. 生存斗争 D. 适应的相对性 [单项选择]
A. enormous B. considerable C. numerous D. giant [单项选择]
Games can be both fun and difficult. Scrabble is a game I like (36) but is not an easy one. (37) are going to play scrabble to night. Henry cannot (38) all the rules, so I will (39) them. Do you want to learn Listen carefully, and we’ll play (40) . [单项选择]清洁生产被联合国环境规划署首次提出的年份是()
A. 1972 B. 1989 C. 1992 D. 2000 [多选题]以下商品属于消费税的应税消费品的是:( )
A.卷烟 B.玉手镯 C.实木地板 D.小汽车 我来回答: 提交