Reading the papers and looking at
television these days, one can easily be persuaded that the human species is on
its last legs, still tottering along but only barely making it. In this view,
disease is the biggest menace of all. Even when we are not endangering our lives
by eating the wrong sorts of food and taking the wrong kinds of exercise, we are
placing ourselves in harm’s way by means of the toxins we keep inserting into
the environment around us. As if this were not enough, we have fallen into the new habit of thinking our way into illness: ff we take up the wrong kind of personality, we nm the risk of contracting a new disease called stress, followed quickly by coronary occlusion. Or if we just sit tight and try to let the world slip by, here comes cancer, from something we ate, breathed or touched. No wonder we are a nervous lot. Th A. (A) not as healthy as today B. (B) as strong as today C. (C) not as poor as today D. (D) as hard as today [填空题]联合调节器在补偿活塞上方压力油通路上,设有( )针阀,它控制联合调节器反馈系统的工作性能,使转速调节过程更趋于稳定。
A.房室结 B.窦房结 C.结间束 D.房室束 [单选题]洞庭湖和湘江、资江、沅江、澧水干流的采砂规划,由( )水行政主管部门商同级自然资源、生态环境、交通运输、农业农村、林业等部门进行编制,报省人民政府批准。
A. 省级 B. 市州级 C. 县级 D. 乡镇级 [多项选择]下面选项中属于PC装配式剪力墙结构技术应用的优势的是()。
A. 大幅度地提高劳动生产效率 B. 大大缩短了生产周期、安装周期 C. 受工程作业面和气候的影响 D. 全面提升住宅综合品质 E. 以上均不符合题意 [多选题]在脚手架使用期间,严禁拆除( )。
A.主节点处的纵向横向水平杆 B.非施工层上,非主节点处的横向水平杆 C.连墙件 D.纵横向扫地杆 E.非作业层上的走道板 [多项选择]生长激素的副作用有哪些()
A. 局部红肿 B. 产生抗体 C. 视盘水肿 D. 颅高压 E. 增加股骨头坏死的发生率 [单项选择]用链表表示线性表的优点是( )。
A. 便于插入和删除操作 B. 数据元素的物理顺序与逻辑顺序相同 C. 花费的存储空间较顺序存储少 D. 便于随机存取 [单项选择]以上燥湿温中,除痰截疟的药物是()
A. 草果 B. 苍术 C. 砂仁 D. 白豆蔻 E. 干姜 [单项选择]成人股骨颈的主要血液供应来源是
A. 股圆韧带的小凹动脉 B. 股骨干的滋养动脉升支 C. 旋股内外侧动脉的分支 D. 旋髂动脉 E. 阴部内外动脉 [多选题]下列应当负刑事责任的是:( )
A.李某(15周岁)实施故意伤害致人重伤的行为 B.王某(13周岁)实施危害公共安全的放火行为 C.马某(17周岁)实施盗窃行为且数额较大 D.胡某(16周岁)实施抢劫行为 [单选题]3.950. 第950题1kV以下配电线路和装置预防性试验测量绝缘电阻,要求其绝缘电阻值应不小于( )MΩ。——
A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 10 D. 50 [单项选择]奖励通常按照什么原则实施()
A. 奖励权限 B. 奖励的原则 C. 事情的重要性 D. 上级批准 我来回答: 提交