Students must apply for a place before
attending any class. Applications(申请), either by post or in person, are dealt
with strictly in the order they are received at the Adult Education Office. You
can apply: By Post—use the card provided with the exact fee. You will be accepted for the course unless it is full, in which case we will inform you. An acknowledgement(承认) will not be made nor a receipt(收据) sent unless you provide a stamped addressed envelope. Receipts will normally be given out at the first class. In Person—call at the Adult Education Office (ground floor, C Block) between approximately 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m. on Friday), or at the College Reception Desk (at the main entrance) at the other times (in the evenings until about 7:30 p.m.—not Fridays). Students should note that popular classes may be full well before t A. they should check whether the course is full B. the college would rather they applied by post C. applications must be received by August 1st D. they must apply in person [判断题]A注册会汁师是Y公司2006年度财务报表审计的项目负责人,Y公司为境内上市公司,主要从事电子设备的生产、设计和安装业务。该公司系增值税一般纳税企业,适用的增值税率为17%,在对审计工作底稿的复核过程中,A注册会计师在审计过程中注意到以下事实,试分析判断公司上述有关收入的确认是否正确。
合同规定,Y公司向丙企业销售C设备一台并承担安装调试任务;丙企业在合同签订的次日预付价款700万元;C设备安装调试并试运行正常,且经丙企业验收合格后一次性支付余款100万元。至12月31日,Y公司已将C设备运抵丙企业,安装工作尚未开始。C设备的销售成本为每台500万元。Y公司在2006年度按800万元确认销售C设备的销售收入,并按500万元结转销售成本。 ( ) [单选题]科学发展观的核心是______。( )
A.统筹兼顾 B.全面协调可持续发展 C.和谐社会 D.以人为本 [多选题]支付清算平台来账可能经过的处理队列包括( )。
A.来账中心人工清分 B.来账中心人工处理 C.来账抹账 D.来账中心复核 E.来账中心抹账授权 [多选题] B型标桩为辅助型,适用于()和人身伤害事故多发地段的铁路线路安全保护区边界设置。
A.人员活动频繁地段的道口 B.桥隧两端 C.公路立交桥附近醒目地点 D.居民区附近 E.工区附近 [单项选择] The distinction between making art and thinking and writing about it should imply neither a mutual exclusiveness nor a hierarchic differentiation of these processes. Leonardo demonstrated that producing art and theorizing about Line it need not be antithetically opposed activities and that meaningful contributions can be achieved successfully in more than one field. Inexplicably, few theorists have built as memorable architectural structures as his and even fewer artists have been entrusted with the directorship of an influential art institution. Unfortunately, as theory and practice became more specialized in the modernera and their operational framework clearly defined both in the cultural milieu and the educational process, their independent paths and boundaries have curtailed possibilities of interaction. The creations of categories and divisions have further emphasized highly individualized idiosyncrasies and, by exposing differences, diminished the value of a unifying artistic
A. the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it B. an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand C. a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction D. a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon E. a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes [多项选择]()地段不宜在雨季施工。
A. 重粘土 B. 膨胀土 C. 盐渍土 D. 砂类土 [单选题]PC交流电梯的PC输出接口驱动负载是直流感性负载时,则该在负载两端( )。
A.串联一个二极管 B.串联阻容元件 C.并联一个二极管 D.并联阻容元件 [多项选择]报关企业应对委托人所提供的( )情况的真实性、完整性进行审查。
A. 进出口许可证 B. 进出口货物的合同、发票、运输单据、装箱单 C. 进出口货物的贸易方式、用途、产地、品名 D. 海关要求的加工贸易手册 [单项选择]脐风的预防与下列哪项无关()。
A. 运用新法接生 B. 严格执行无菌操作 C. 重视脐部清洁 D. 防止脐部感染 E. 防止产程过长 [单选题]铁路营业线施工必须把确保安全放在首位,坚持“( )”的方针。
A.安全第一、预防为主 B.安全第一、预防为主、综合治理 C.强基达标、提质增效 D.交通强国、铁路先行 [判断题]对已经输入但未登记会计账簿的机内记账凭证应提供修改和审核的功能,审核通过后还可以对机内记账凭证进行修改。 ( )
Text 4 [单项选择]诊断起动系电路短路、断路故障时,除检查起动机导线是否短路外,还应检查()。
A. 检查蓄电池电解液液面高度 B. 检查起动机电磁开关工作是否正常 C. 检查断电器触点是否烧蚀 D. 检查蓄电池放电程度 我来回答: 提交