Chris Baildon, tall and lean, was in
his early thirties, and the end product of an old decayed island
family. Chris shared the too large house with his father, an arthritic and difficult man, and a wasp-tongued aunt, whose complaints ended only when she slept. The father and his sister, Chris’s Aunt Agatha, engaged in shrill-voiced arguments over nothing. The continuous exchanges further confused their foolish wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness. They held a common grievance against Chris, openly holding him to blame for their miserable existence. He should long ago have lifted them from poverty, for had they not sacrificed everything to send him to Eng-land and Oxford University Driven by creditors or pressing desires, earlier Baildons had long ago cheaply disposed of valuabl A. Suspicious. B. Humorous. C. Persuasive. D. Indifferent. [填空题]A four-year-old boy Nicholas is now a student of the (1) Science Department of West London Institute because he is too intelligent for school.
Nicholas spoke well before he was one. At eighteen months, he took telephone (2) for his parents. At two, he began to learn French. The strange thing about Nicholas is that he (3) himself to read before he could speak. When Nicholas went to school, his teachers gave him pictures to color and toys to play with because they did not have time to prepare (4) lessons for him. His parents had no idea what to do with him. Then, the West London Institute (5) to help. Now Nicholas spends some of his time there and also studies at home. He reads the newspaper every day and he can play the violin well. "We don’t have any (6) life," said his father, "Nicholas is our life. He is a clever child and we want to help him in every way./A four-year-old boy Nicholas is now a student of [判断题]爆炸极限――可燃气体或蒸气、可燃粉尘与空气形成混合物,遇明火发生燃烧爆炸的最低浓度和最高浓度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 以下关于法的效力的选 项哪个是正确的?()
A. 法律不经公布,就不具 有效力 B. 一切法律的效力级别高 低和范围大小是由刑法、民 法、 行政法等基本法律所规定 的 C. “ 法律仅仅适用于将来, 没有溯及力 ” ,这项规定在法 学上被称为 “ 从新原则 ” D. 法律生效后,应该使一 国之内的所有公民知晓, 所谓 “ 不知法者得免其罪 ” [判断题]分队在行进间相遇,由带队指挥员互相敬礼;遇见首长和上级,由带队指挥员敬礼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]手动报警装置的手动报警按钮的设置应位于()。
A. 起居处所 B. 服务处所 C. 控制站 D. 以上都是 [单项选择]V1的最大值和最小值分别受到()限制。
A. VR和VMCG B. V2和VMCA C. VR和VMCA [单项选择]关于胸腔漏出液的描述,不正确的是
A. 外观无色透明或淡黄色 B. 比重小于1.018 C. 黏蛋白定性试验阳性 D. 蛋白定量小于20~30g/L E. 细胞数常小于100×106/L,以淋巴细胞和间皮细胞为主 [多选题]下列哪些物品可比照公文办理()
A.票据 B.图片 C.款袋 D.锦旗 [单选题]就读于苏州某小学的王同学,上音乐课时因自言自语,被音乐老师用封箱胶带施以“封嘴”半节课的惩罚。下列关于该音乐老师课堂问题处理方式的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.该老师没有顾及王同学的自尊及人格 B.该老师应对王同学的行为进行批评训斥,而不应该以“封嘴”惩罚 C.该老师应激励王同学与其他学生建立良好的课堂行为 D.该老师应及时寻找王同学自言自语的原因 [单项选择]预防佝偻病的发生,医生应指导家长于几岁起口服维生素D400IU/d()
A. 生后4周起 B. 2岁 C. 3岁 D. 4岁 E. 5岁 [单项选择]正常成人脑脊液中的白细胞数是()
A. (0~8)×106/L B. 以上都不是 C. (0~15)×106/L D. (0~12)×106/L E. (0~10)×106/L [单项选择]儿童游戏中最引人注目的部分是()
A. 表情 B. 动作 C. 角色扮演 D. 言语 [单选题]装运其他危险货物罐车罐体本底色应为银灰色,罐体两侧纵向中部应涂装有一条宽300mm表示货物主要特性的水平环形色带:表示易燃性,表示氧化性,表示毒性,表示腐蚀性。正确的排序是( )。
A.红色、绿色、黄色、黑色 B.红色、绿色、黑色、黄色 C.绿色、黄色、黑色、红色、 [填空题]植物界与动物界最根本的区别在()方式,()方式和()方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]吕某,女,58岁,高血压病史8年,一直服用硝苯地平(每次5mg,每日2次)控制血压,近1个月来头痛、头晕、乏力,自行将硝苯地平次数增加为3次/日,病情仍未见好转,来社区卫生服务中心全科门诊就诊。测血压155/98mmHg(服药后),查眼底显示视网膜动脉变细,血脂偏高,血糖正常。经全科医生询问发现吕某平日喜欢高盐高脂饮食,不爱运动,喜好看电视、打麻将等娱乐活动。近段时间因子女问题睡眠不规律,性格烦躁易怒,对高血压的认识不足,误以为可以自行调整服用量控制血压。
A.医疗就诊时建档 B.入户调查时建档 C.疾病筛查时建档 D.健康体检时建档 E.健康普查时建档 [判断题]肝血的盛衰,能影响筋的运动,“爪为筋之余”,所以亦可以影响到爪甲的枯荣。()
A. 引下线 B. 避雷针 C. 避雷网 [单选题]采用综合评估法时,投标报价分值设置错误的是( )
A.79 B.75 C.81 D.87 我来回答: 提交