Most people today think of chocolate as
something sweet to eat or drink that can be easily found in stores around the
world. It might surprise you that chocolate was once highly treasured. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently released a study. It suggested that people in Central and South America first gathered the cacao plant much earlier and for a different use than experts once thought. ① The researchers examined the chemistry of substances found in ancient clay containers that were over three thousand years old. They discovered that the substance came from an alcoholic drink made from the fruit of the cacao plant. The researchers believe it was the interest in cacao as an alcoholic drink that led to the use of its bitter seeds to make what is now known as chocolate. ② Historia A. Many people used cacao seeds in weddings to bless the couple with health. B. Aztec people used cacao seeds to pay taxes. C. Spanish people traded with Aztec to get cacao seeds. D. European people in ancient time liked bitter cacao drink. [判断题]在其他参数一定时,飞机的襟翼角度越大则阻力就越小。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在线路允许速度160 km/h<υm对x 正线上,轨道动态几何不平顺容许偏差管理值中,三角坑(基长3m)Ⅲ级管理值为9mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]神经根走行于()
A. 神经孔上部 B. 神经孔中央 C. 神经孔下部 D. 椎静脉前方 E. 紧贴关节突 [判断题]576. 采用管沟敷设的聚乙烯燃气管道,吹扫、强度试验和严密性试验应在管道填沙并加盖保护盖板前进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某质点做直线运动,其运动方程x=t2-12t。在前5秒内,点做()运动。
A. 匀速 B. 匀加速 C. 匀减速 D. 惯性 [单项选择]WEB服务器最好使用以下哪一种方式进行验证()。
A. 安全套接字层协议(SSL) B. 传输控制协议(TCP) C. 网际协议(IP) D. 超文本传输协议(HTTP) [判断题]为了防止煤气着火事故的发生,必须禁止在煤气区域内或煤气设备附近堆放易燃、易爆物品,禁止一切火源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当给大型无人机加油时,为预防静电带来的危害应注意
A.检查电瓶和点火电门是否关断 B.油车是否接地 C.将飞机、加油车和加油枪用连线接地 [判断题]同步发电机发生非同期并列故障的特征是:发电机发出吼声,定子电压剧烈摆动。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]离心泵汽蚀是一种机械腐蚀。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公安机关在侦查办案中,需要对死因不明的尸体进行解剖时,一般要征得死者家属同意。()
[填空题]用户程序经过编译之后的每个目标模块都以0为基地址顺序编址,这种地址称为 【6】 。
A. 燃烧室 B. 活塞室 C. 计量室 D. 气室 [简答题]两苯塔顶部温度应保持什么之间?
Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious (21) to how they can best (22) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and (23) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. (24) they .are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges; teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the (25) that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are (26) .by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be (27) to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (28) , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (29) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide (30) opportunities for leadership, as well as fo [单选题]汽车起步,车身发抖并能听到嚓咯的撞击声是( )异响。
A.万向传动装置 B.变速器 C.离合器 D.驱动桥 [判断题]起火有三个条件,即可燃物、助燃物和点火源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I regret (to spend) (so) much money (on) a car (that) I hardly drive in everyday life.
A. to spend B. so C. on D. that [单选题]客户在银行柜面首次购买理财产品,客户风险评估应在()
A.客户购买理财产品之前进行 B.客户购买理财产品之后进行 C.每年1月30日之前 D.任意时候 [单选题]以下哪种动力电池放电电流最大
A.2000mAh,30C B.20000mAh,5C C.8000mAh,20C [多选题]形成转增股本挂账的情景有( )
A. 分红 B. 送股 C.配股 D.公积金转增股本 三、判断题 [多选题]这个新时代,是( )
A.A、全国各族人民团结奋斗、不断创造美好生活、逐步实现全体人民共同富裕的时代 B.B、我国日益走近世界舞台中央、不断为人类作出更大贡献的时代 C.C、全体中华儿女戮力同心、奋力实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的时代 D.D、承前启后、继往开来、在新的历史条件下继续夺取中国特色社会主义伟大胜利的时代 [单选题]公安民警在规定的工作时间应当按要求着装。以下说法不正确的是:( )
A.执行侦查(察)、警卫、外事等特殊工作任务不宜着装的可以不着装。 B.工作时间非因公外出的可以不着装。 C.女性民警怀孕期间可以不着装。 D. 执行任务警力不足时,非人民警察身份人员可以临时穿着警服,但不得佩戴警用标志。 [判断题]当发现杆塔接地电阻的实测值与以往的测量结果有明显的增大或减小时,应采取哪些措施后重新测量改变电极布置方向、增大电极的距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列物质中不属于矿物的是( )。
A.方解石 B.灰岩 C.白云岩 D.砂岩 [单选题]( )应设置独立的机械加压送风防烟设施。
A.高层建筑的地下水泵房 B.消防电梯井 C.消防控制室 D.封闭避难层(间) [填空题]发动机( )机构的作用是根据发动机的工作顺序和工作过程,定时开启和关闭进、排气,使新鲜空气进入气缸,并使废气从气缸内排出。
A. 不清洁提单 B. 收货待运提单 C. 已装船提单 D. 清洁提单 [单项选择]小儿缺铁性贫血的主要病理基础是
A. 生化乏源 B. 血虚不荣 C. 肌肤失养 D. 阴虚火旺 E. 脾胃失调 [单选题]吴瑭所称“辛凉重剂”指的是
A. 字符器类型 B. 流方式 C. dom D. SAX [单选题]起重作业人员在离地面( )的高度进行起重机械作业时,因坠落造成伤害。
A.5M B.2M C.3M [单选题]目前,我国卫生法规中所涉及的民事责任的主要承担方式是
A.恢复原状 B.赔偿损失 C.停止侵害 D.消除危险 E.支付违约金 我来回答: 提交