During recent years we have heard much about "race":
how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so
on. Yet, the (51) phenomenon of race consists of few surface
indications. We judge race usually from the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But (52) you were to remove the skin you could not tell anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to (53) a difference. There are four types of blood. All types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the (54) No scientists could examine a A. Only B. Or C. Nor D. So [多选题]车站在装车前,列车在卸车前,必须先核对所装卸行包的( ),确认票货相符。
A.到站 B.票号 C.包装 D.件数 [单项选择]一群8月龄羊,放牧过程中陆续出现有的羊突然死亡,有的羊离群独处,卧地,不愿走动;强迫行走时表现虚弱和运动失调。腹部膨胀,有呜叫、回头顾腹表现。体温正常或升高至41.5℃左右,迅速衰竭、昏迷,大多在几小时至1d内死亡,极少数病例可达2~3d,罕有痊愈者。
[假设信息]如果该群羊发生的是羊肠毒血症,采集膀胱内积尿化验时,常会出现 A. 尿中发现葡萄糖 B.尿中有大量上皮细胞 C.尿中有大量脓细胞 D.尿中有大量蛋白质 E.尿中有大量脂肪 [填空题]体育场上,运动员长期没有机会上场比赛被称为坐()。
A. 采样、量化、编码、存储、解码、D/A 变换 B. 量化、采样、编码、存储、解码、A/D 变换 C. 编码、采样、量化、存储、解码、A/D 变换 D. 采样、编码、存储、解码、量化、D/A 变换 [单选题]在物业共用部位、共用设施设备现场查验中,查验人员要利用工具和检测仪器、仪表,对共用部位、共用设施设备运行使用进行状态( ),观察、记录各种数据,看其是否达到设计文件规定的要求,是否能满足使用需要。对存在的问题做好记录。
A.核对 B.使用 C.检测 D.模拟 [判断题]在作业中一旦发现有人出现中毒窒息,应迅速将中毒者抬离中毒环境,转移到中毒环境上风处,新鲜风流畅通处,取平卧体位。救护人员在施救时应当采取防护措施,保证自身安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]AB004 热力学第一定律指明了热量和功的等量性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国规定电器运行场所的环境温度为()摄氏度。
A. 25 B. 30 C. 35 D. 40 [单项选择]在下列化合物中不能进行加成反应的是()。
A. CH≡CH B. RCHO C. CH3COCH3 D. C2H5OC2H5 [单选题]12月14日,国内首条磁浮空轨车辆( )在武汉的中铁科工集团下线。
A.兴国号 B.于都号 C.赣南号 D.瑞金号 [单项选择]An analyst does research about common probability distributions. Which of the following provides the probability of a range of outcomes()
A. Probability function. B. Probability density function. C. Bernoulli function. [填空题]常用管子分:()、铸铁管、()、塑料管、混凝土管、陶管、橡胶管和玻璃钢管八种。
[单项选择]监理工程师在勘察阶段质量控制工作的要点之—是( )。
A. 勘察实施方案的制定 B. 勘察工作方案的审查 C. 勘察成果的技术交底 D. 勘察工作的总结报告 [简答题]What are the author’s two major explanations for the relation between proximity and liking
要求:概括准确,观点明确,条理清晰,不超过150字。 [填空题]
A{{U}} (11) {{/U}}physician, who was lying on his
deathbed, was surrounded by several fellow physicians, who were weeping at his
loss. When the{{U}} (12) {{/U}}man observed it, he comforted them, by saying, "Don’t weep, gentlemen, because I must die. It is not such a great loss to the world as you think, for I shall leave three great physicians behind me." Every one of them{{U}} (13) {{/U}}that he was one of the three. So they pressed him very much, to tell them, who the well-known men were. "They are: Water, {{U}} (14) {{/U}}and Temperance," he replied. One may easily imagine how surprised and disappointed they were, when they received this{{U}} (15) {{/U}}answer. [单选题]( )主要由干粉罐、氮气瓶组、管道、阀门、干粉炮、动力源和控制装置等组成。
A.水炮系统 B.泡沫炮系统 C.自动喷水一泡沫联用系统 D.干粉炮系统 [单选题]在现阶段,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的()需要和()的发展之间的矛盾。
A.美好生活,不充分不平衡 B.幸福生活,不平衡不充分 C.幸福生活,不充分不平衡 D.美好生活,不平衡不充分 [单选题]工作期间,工作票应始终保留在( )手中。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.专责监护人 我来回答: 提交