When John and Victoria Falls arrived in
New York from London for a one-year stay, they did not bring many things with
them. They had planned either to live in a furnished (配备家具)apartment or to buy
used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more
people are using. The renting (出租;租用) of home furnishings (beds, tables,
dishes, and so on) has become one of America’s fastest growing
business. What kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them Many kinds of people, international businessmen, government officials, airline workers, young married couples -- the people whose jobs may force them to move frequently(频繁) from one city (or country ) to another. They saved the trouble and cost of moving their furniture each time. They simply rent new furniture when they reach their new homes. Young people A. their neighbors might not accept the new idea B. their neighbors are sure to laugh at them C. they like the furniture and pretend to be the owners D. they want to show that they are rich [单选题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽,现场作业人员应穿( )、绝缘鞋。
A.绝缘服 B.屏蔽服 C.防静电服 D.全棉长袖工作服 [单项选择]项目的行政收尾工作不应拖延到项目结束,因为()。
A. 有用的信息可能丢失 B. 可能要重新任命项目经理 C. 项目小组成员可能在项目结束时已经重新分配到其它的工作岗位上了 D. 卖方希望早日付款 [单选题]在火灾发生时,错误的自救方法是( )。
A.可先进入避难层或由疏散楼梯撤到安全地点 B.如果楼层已着火燃烧,但楼梯尚未烧断,火势并不十分猛烈时,可披上用水浸湿的衣被,从楼上快 速冲下 C.建筑物六层发生火灾时,如楼梯已经烧断,被困人员可利用房屋的阳台、落水管或竹竿等逃生 D.多层建筑火灾,如生命受到严重威胁,又无其它自救办法时,可用绳子或床单作为逃生工具 [单项选择]手机游戏《天天酷跑》新手角色是()
A. 猫小妖 B. 双枪小帅 C. 烈焰甜心 D. 音速小飞 [单选题]房地产开发商准备的销售资料中,可以理解为简单的“产品说明书”的销售资料是( )。
A.形象楼书 B.功能楼书 C.置业锦囊 D.宣传单张 [单选题]()不是我公司供热的小区
A.德诚小区 B.锡林湾 C.众力如意苑 D.富华小区 [多选题]老年人中枢神经系统解剖上的改变包括有( )
A.脑体积缩小 B.脑重量减轻 C.脑脊液增加 D.脑沟增宽 E.脑神经变性 [多选题]绝缘斗臂车的金属部分在仰起、回转运动中,与10kV带电线路距离不得小于 ( )。工作中车体应使用不小于 ( )mm2的软铜线良好接地。
A.0.9 B.1.5 C.16 D.25 [单选题]动火作业监护人由作业单位及动火作业地点所在车间指派人员担任( )。
A.负责人 B.有监护资质 C.班长 D.主操 [多选题]机车综合无线通信设备故障,影响调度命令无线传送功能时,向司机发布的调度命令,按规定采用列车无线调度通信设备( )交递方式。(1分)
A.发布 B.转达 C.采用人工书面 [单选题]产品产量与单件成本的相关系数是-0.80,单位成本与利润率的相关系数是-0.94,产量与利润率之间的相关系数是0.89,因此()。
A.产量与利润率的相关程度最高 B.单位成本与利润率的相关程度最高 C.产量与单位成本的相关程度最高 D.反映不出哪对变量的相关程度最高 我来回答: 提交