In these years, computer games have
become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops
along busy{{U}} 41 {{/U}}have changed(更换) into{{U}} 42
{{/U}}game houses in order to get more money. These places are always
crowded with{{U}} 43 {{/U}}especially(特别) young boys. In the computer game houses, people{{U}} 44 {{/U}}a lot of money competing (竞赛) with the machines. It’s{{U}} 45 {{/U}}for one to win against a computer, but one can make progress (进步) after{{U}} 46 {{/U}}again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology (赌博心理) when they play computer games. The more they{{U}} 47 {{/U}}, the more they want to win, and at last they even cannot live if they don’t play with it. For school boys, they have to{{U}} 48 {{/U}}for their lessons. When class [单选题]1965年,我国自行设计生产的( )离心消防泵,伴随着第一代用国产底盘改装的消防车一同问世。
A.BS30 B.BD50 C.BS22 D.BD40 [单项选择]How did man manage to survive the "black cloud" in the tropics
A. They hid in caves and cellars. B. They tried to reduce the temperature. C. They killed 7943 species of plants and animals. D. They ate ice so that the body temperature was reduced. [单选题]配置客户路由器WIFI,以下说法不正确的是( )
A.A、使用少量的数字作为wifi密码 B.B、使用高强度的密码 C.C、使用MAC地址绑定方式 D.D、设置双频wifi [单选题]教育学作为一门独立的学科萌芽于( )。
A.昆体良的《论演说家的教育》 B.赫尔巴特的《普通教育学》 C.夸美纽斯的《大教学论》 D.洛克的《教育漫话》 [单选题]插有扣修、倒装色票的及( )的车车辆禁止编入列车。
A.超限货物 B.危险货物 C.乘坐旅客 D.车体倾斜超过规定限度 [配伍题]正常头颈伸曲范围()|正常张口度()|正常颏甲距离()
A. 160~90度 B. 140~100度 C. 4~5cm D. 3~4cm E. 6~7cm [判断题]运营时间对设备进行抢修,或须在停运后继续对已抢修设备维修的作业纳入日变更计划。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]每台吸附器从吸附到产品氢升压结束,其吸附器杂质量如何变化?
[判断题]在存有倒塌危险的区域进行灭火进攻时,可用直流水枪、水炮冲击柱、梁、墙等承重构建,消除潜在隐患。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Aborigines were earliest known inhabitants of a country. The term is generally applied to the original or native inhabitants of a country, as opposed to a race from another area or colonists and their descendants. Most nations have instituted measures for the welfare of the aborigines within their territories. Such measures include those of the U.S. and Canada concerning Indians and Inuits and those of Australia concerning its aboriginal groups. [多项选择]下列关于河流和河口水质调查取样过程中应遵循的原则及要求,正确的有( )。
A. 一般的小河只需在取样断面的主流线上设一条取样垂线 B. 每一条水质取样垂线上,水深为1~5m时,只在水面下0.8m处取一个样 C. 一级评价中,每个取样点的水样均应进行分析,不取混合样 D. 当拟建排污口位于河口感潮段内时,其上游需设置取样断面的数目与位置应根据感潮段的实际情况决定,其下游同河流 [多选题]下列对交接班要求叙述错误的是( )
A.交接方式包括记录交接和现场交接两种方式 B.对于发现的车站安全隐患,可先进行交接再采取防护措施 C.交班人将交接内容在记录簿中记录清楚后可不与接班人进行对口交接 D.正在为乘客提供服务时,不得进行交接作业 [单选题]修理中铰孔过程。对接孔保证最小边距,中央翼与外翼对接处下翼面最小边距( )。
A.12.5mm B.15.5mm C.16mm D.20.5mm [多选题]信贷管理系统中展期后预约生效的还款方式有( )。
A.按月结息,到期一次还本 B.按季结息,到期一次还本 C.等额本金 D.利随本清 [单选题]电缆敷设时,拐弯处的作业人员应站在电缆内侧。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]高压设备符合下列( )条件,可由单人值班或单人操作。
A.室内高压设备的隔离室设有遮栏,遮栏的高度在1.7m以上,安装牢固并加锁者 B.室内高压断路器(开关)的操动机构(操作机构)用墙或金属板与该断路器(开关)隔离 C.室内高压断路器(开关)装有远方操动机构(操作机构)者 D.室内高压设备的隔离室设有遮栏,遮栏的高度在1.5m以上,安装牢固并加锁者 [填空题]史学家之父( )的《历史》是西方史学的第一部经典制作。
A. 闸瓦的材质 B. 车轮的材质 C. 摩擦力的大小 D. 摩擦热能的消散能力 我来回答: 提交