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NAME:// | Stephen (9) |
ADDRESS: | (10) School Road |
DEPARTMENT: | (11) |
POST TITLE:// | (12) (temporary) |
When Daniel Franklin, a political
science professor from Atlanta, needed career advancement advice, he didn’t turn
to colleagues, therapists or even his mom. He went to the Advice Ladies. Three thirty something New York women, advertising freelancers by day, have turned themselves into Saturday afternoon street-comer oracles, they pull up lawn chairs and a table on a lower Manhattan street corner and dish out free advice to passersby. They’ve claimed the comer of West Broadway and Broome Street in Soho as their own for the last several months. Amy Alkon, who, with longtime friends Marlowe Minnick and Carolyn Johnson, becomes a part-time shrink each weekend. "We use creative problem- solving to turn problem into fun," she says. On a recent steamy afternoon, a line has formed in front of the Advice Ladies’ table. Obv A. they are dealing with a book together and a TV man is writing a talk show about them B. they are going to sell a book about themselves and also appear on a TV show C. they will buy a book through a deal and appear in a film in the coming fall season D. they will get to know each other better by working on a book and appearing in a TV show together [单选题] 《铁路互联网售票暂行办法》规定,在12306.cn网站,购买铁路电子客票以( )作为铁路旅客运输合同生效的时间。
A.A、检票进站起 B.B、换取纸质车票时 C.C、登陆12306.cn网站时 D.D、确认交易成功的时间 [单选题]关于合同成立条件的错误表述是( )。
A.承诺生效时合同成立 B.双方当事人订立合同必须是依法进行的 C.当事人必须就合同的主要条款协商一致 D.合同的成立不必具备要约和承诺阶段 [单项选择]
The business cycle is composed of many phases and one of them is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. [多选题]雨雪、大风天气或事故巡线,巡视人员应穿( )。
A.导电鞋 B.雨靴 C.绝缘鞋 D.绝缘靴 [单选题]常用于治疗痤疮、丹毒、扭伤的拔罐法是
A.留罐法 B.走罐法 C.闪罐法 D.刺血拔罐法 E.火罐法 [判断题] 缓冲溶液中加入少量的酸或碱后,其pH值几乎不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]7.( )即在社会层面上采取与社会有措施,促使残疾人重返社会。 [单选题]
A.社会康复 B.康复工程 C.职业康复 D.教育康复 E.医学康复 [单选题]有一只内阻为0.5MΩ、量程为250V的直流电压表,当它的读数为100V时,流过电压表的电流是()mA
A.0.2 B.0.5 C.1.5 D.2.5 [判断题]自动喷水末端试水装置应设于系统保护的每个防火分区和楼层中的配水管处。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一批实验器材在天津机场海关申报出口并转关运输至石家庄出境,其出口报关单“出口口岸”栏应按实际申报海关所在地填为“天津机场”。 ( )
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