(21) summary of
the physical and chemical (22) of life must begin, not on
the Earth, but (23) the Sun; in fact, (24)
the Sun’s very center. (25) is here that is to be
found the (26) of the energy that the Sun constantly
(27) space (28) light and heat. This
energy is liberated at the center of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei
hydrogen atoms (29) each other and (30)
to form nuclei of helium, and, (31) doing so, (32)
some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. The output
of light and heat of the Sun (33) A. integrity B. creation C. pollution D. nature [单选题]下列哪种情况可抑制促胃液素的释放?( )
A.胃内pH值低于1.5 B.胃内pH值低于4 C.迷走神经兴奋 D.扩张胃窦 E.胃内肽和氨基酸浓度升高 [单选题]下列两个二进制数进行算术运算,10000 - 1101 = ______。
A.00011 B.111 C.101 D.100 [多选题]承运人与托运人或收货人交接集装箱时,不施封的凭( )交接。
A.箱门 B.箱号 C.封印 D.箱体外状 [单项选择]
男,60岁,无突眼,甲状腺不大,食少,明显消瘦,心率120次/分,手细颤 下列何种疾病不予考虑()A. 淡漠型甲亢 B. 慢性甲亢 C. 桥本病 D. 恶性肿瘤 E. 帕金森病 [单项选择]关于病感,下列哪项是正确的
A. 是一种影响人体器官与组织的生物学过程 B. 是以结构的、功能的和生化变化为特征的 C. 它的表现形式主要是症状 D. 是可以利用科学的诊断方法诊断的一种事实 E. 有疾病,就一定具有病感 [单项选择]
More and more residences, businesses, and even government agencies are using telephone answering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give (1) instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you (2) telephone calls, you need to be ready to respond when you get a (3) [单项选择]选定多个文件名,如这多个文件名连续成一个区域的,则先选定第一个文件名,然后按住()键,再在最后一个文件名上单击一下即可。
A. Ctrl B. Alt C. Shift D. Del [单选题]ST1-600型闸调器采用杠杆控制式结构安装在车辆上时,间调器应安装在( )。
A.A、二位上拉杆处 B.B、一位上拉杆处 C.C、制动杠杆连接拉杆处 D.D、两上拉杆之间处 [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.{{/I}}What is the meaning of success in the general sense of the term
A. It means the opportunity to experience and to realize to the maximum the forces that are within us. B. It means great worldly achievements or accomplishments or wealth. C. It means being on the top of the social ladder. D. It means the search for truth. [单项选择]下列不属于内部营运指标的有()。
A. 市场占有率 B. 新产品收入占总收入比例 C. 各种营销渠道的交易比率 D. 每位推销员潜在顾客接触次数 [单选题]根据《石油化工企业设计防火标准(2018 年版)》(GB 50160-2008),液氨储罐必须设
置一些安全附件,包括液位计、( )和安全阀;低温液氨储罐上应设温度指示仪。 A.紧急切断阀 B.安全仪表系统 C.压力表 D.观察窗 [单选题]新装高压计量装置应在带负荷后( )天内,采用通电带负荷现场校验进行接线检查并做好记录,及时录入营销业务应用系统。
A.5; B.7; C.10; D.14; [单选题]()加强安全管理,可以使不安全的状态和不安全的行为减少,把事故控制在所期望的目标内。
A.正确; B.错误 [填空题]在三冲量自动调节系统中,( )是主信号, ( )是前馈信号, ( )为介质的反馈信号。
A. 警告 B. 罚款 C. 责令改正 D. 限期整顿 E. 吊销《医疗机构执业许可证》 [多项选择]个人所得税法中,居民纳税人应就其来源于中国境内、境外的所得缴纳个人所得税;非居民纳税人仅就来源于中国境内的所得缴纳个人所得税。下列收入中属于中国境内所得的有( )。
A. 在中国境内任职、受雇而由境外公司支付的工资、薪金所得 B. 因任职、受雇、履约等而在中国境外提供各种劳务取得的劳务报酬所得 C. 将财产出租给承租入在中国境外使用而取得的所得 D. 转让中国境内的建筑物、土地使用权等财产给某外国个人,而取得的所得 E. 因持有中国的股权而从中国境内的公司取得的利息、股息、红利所得 [多选题]70°探头探测轨头时,产生螺孔反射波的因素是( )
A.轨头侧磨严重 B.探头偏角 C.轨头位置 D.探头耦合不良 [简答题] 承插型轮扣式钢管支架在有稳固既有结构时,模板支架应与稳固既有结构可靠连接,其竖向连接间隔不应超过三步,宜优先布置在有水平剪刀撑的横杆层
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