What difference does it make if we read
texts displayed on a computer screen instead of on paper printed with ink The
computer certainly does not guarantee deeper comprehension, greater subtlety of
mind, or a wider range of imaginative reference. The mediation of a computer,
however, puts new powers at the disposal of intelligence. For one thing, the
computer itself can do {{U}}simple reading{{/U}}—as I have noted, it can "read" an
immense body of {{U}}literature{{/U}} in search of designated(指定的)words. As anyone
knows who has ever spent days in libraries in search of errant information,
simply identifying relevant sources absorbs inordinate amounts of time in
research. The objection may be raised that a search of texts by computer may
block the occasional(偶然发现的)discoveries that occur while browsing in the stacks
of great libraries. No A. saves a lot of time to find information needed B. reads more efficiently than a human mind C. covers a much wider range of reference D. guarantees reading efficiency and validity [单选题]纳入“负面清单”的作业人员()提前申请移出“负面清单”。
A.可以 B.视情况可以 C.不得 D.应该 E. F. G.四个月 [单选题]SF6气体绝缘的一个重要特点是电场的均匀性对击穿电压的影响远比空气的小。
A.正确 B.错误 C.lue D.lue E.lue F.lue G.lue H.lue [判断题]VOR的基本工作原理是比较两个30Hz信号对甚高频的调幅的相位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]加强客户服务协同是深化融融协同重点措施之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]互联网接入及使用坚持“统一管理、集中接入、内外分离、安全可控、守法保密”和“谁主管谁负责、谁使用谁负责、管业务必须管安全”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
某机电安装工程公司承接一汽车厂重型压力机车间机电设备安装工程,工程内容包括设备建造、压力机的就位安装、压力管道安装、自动控制工程、电气工程和单机试运行等。其中压力机最高22.5m,单件最重为105t。合同工期为4个月。合同约定,工期每推迟1d罚款10000元,提前1d奖励5000元。 [判断题]PKX1型智能客专电源屏的提速道岔电源不经过UPS不间断电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在调车作业中,单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,前方进路的确认由 ( )负责。
A.调车人员 B.司机 C.扳道员 [单选题]( )青年婚前社交自由,晚上吹芦笙串姑娘,“串寨子”、“丢包”等
都是选择对象和表达爱情的方式。 A.傣族 B.纳西族 C.白族 D.彝族 [单选题]JSBXC-850型继电器为防止外电源极性接错而装了( )。
A.二极管 B.三极管 C.可控硅 D.稳压管 [名词解释]真皮基质(dermismatrix)
[填空题]计轴设备的原理是基于驶入和驶出计数点所监示的区段时所记录轴数的比较结果,以此确定该区段的 或 状态。
[单选题]狭小空间内点燃风焊时,( )
A.应先开气阀后点火,即“气等火” B.应先点火后再开气,即“火等气” C.先先点火还是先开气阀都无所谓,二者都是正确的 我来回答: 提交