Scholars often seem to operate on the
assumption that any analysis with a rosy outlook simply does not adequately
understand the matter at hand. Ecotourism researchers have not been derelict in
this regard, as the literature review earlier showed. All the researchers who
have looked at Capirona’s project, however, have been impressed by its
grassroots nature and are optimistic about its potential as eco-development
(Colvin 1994; Wesche 1993; Silver 1992). All of these researchers, however, visited the community in its early years of operation. As mentioned previously, recent, non-scholarly reports are less positive. Thus there remains some doubt as to the long-term viability of even such a model of indigenous ecotourism development as Capirona. This study originally proposed to study Capimna’s project, but that community was w A. economic self-reliance. B. income for the local people that is independent of ecotourism. C. ameliorating accessibility. D. all of the above. [判断题]空调列车不用水冲刷地板、墙板、电器设备及带有电伴热塞拉门乘降梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]风险性中间业务业务主要包括()。
A. 代理业务 B. 转账结算 C. 咨询服务 D. 贷款出售 [判断题]某中外合资银行变更营业场所,必须报经中国人民银行批准。 ( )
[多选题]消防队伍在抢险救援行动中将警戒区域划分为( )。(中)
A.特危区 B.重危区 C.中危区 D.轻危区 E.安全区 [判断题]11005】串联谐振时的特性阻抗是由电源频率决定的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是矿石结构?
A. 研究对象是人、原材料、设备等资源构成的工作系统 B. 基本目标是对系统进行设计、改进、评价,并不断创新 C. 研究方法汇集了数学、生物学、工程学、卫生学的研究方法 D. 研究任务是构建一个完整的“人—机—环境”系统并保障其有效运行 [判断题]挖深度大于等于5m或开挖深度小于5m,但现场地质情况和周围环境较复杂的基坑工
程以及其他需要监测的基坑工程应实施基坑工程监测o A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交