Among the most enduring of all horrors
is the prospect of a slow, painful death. Those who witness the protracted
terminal illness of a friend or relative often view the eventual death more as a
relief than a tragedy. But to make life or death decisions on behalf of a dying person unable to communicate his or her wishes is to enter a moral and legal minefield. Could a doctor be sued for withholding treatment and allowing someone to die — or for not allowing him or her to die Could it ever be lawful to withhold food and water Legal moves are afoot which may settle these questions. Recently, a group on voluntary euthanasia pro- posed legislation to make documents known as "Advance Directives", or Living Wills, legally binding. An Advance Directive sets out the kind of medical treatment a person wishes to receiv A. It should be made legally binding in Britain. B. It’s morally questionable. C. It is the same as mercy killing, and therefore should not be encouraged. D. It runs counter to traditional English law. [填空题]吊斗铲SIBAS机架ZR处理器的重启时间是( )秒。
[单选题]利用药物协同作用的目的是( )
A.减少药物不良反应 B.减少药物的副作用 C.增加药物的吸收 D.增加药物的排泄 E.增加药物的疗效 [简答题]20世纪80至90年代,黄金的非货币化进程较快,黄金价格连续下跌,黄金的价格形成机制中哪个属性占主要地位?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一种工作票的工作票签发人为( )以上人员。
A.主任 B.专工 C.班长 [单选题]以下行为那些不属于通过设施降低风险的行为。
A.增加通风 B.安装防护栏 C.增加照明 D.选择密闭场所 [单选题]故意阻碍国家安全机关、公安机关依法执行国家安全工作任务,未 使用暴力、威胁方法,造成严重后果的,处( )、拘役、管制或者罚金。
A.五年以下有期徒刑 B.二年以下有期徒刑 C.一年以下有期徒刑 D.三年以下有期徒刑 [判断题]生理上.精神上有缺陷或年幼,不能辨别是非.不能正确表达意志的人,不能作为行政案件的证人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用灭火器灭火时,灭火器的喷射口应该对准火焰的( )
A. 上部 B. 中部 C. 根部 D. 上空 [判断题] 高速公路的交通事故率较一般公路高( X )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有关牛皮癣的描述正确的是()
A.又称寻常型银屑病 B.是免疫相关的慢性复发性炎症性皮肤病 C.本病无传染性 D.可发生在全身各处,一般呈对称分布 [单选题]正常妊娠时,绒毛膜促性腺激素高峰出现的时间是在妊娠的
A.第6~8周 B.第8~10周 C.第10~12周 D.第12~14周 E.第14~16周 我来回答: 提交