The inner voice of people who appear
unconscious can now be heard. For the first time, researchers have struck up a
conversation with a man diagnosed as being in a vegetative (植物的) state.
All they had to do was monitor how his brain responded to specific questions.
"They can now have some involvement in their destiny," says Adrian Owen of the University of Cambridge, who led the team doing the work. In an earlier experiment, Owen’s team asked a woman previously diagnosed as being in a vegetative state to picture herself carrying out one of two different activities. The resulting brain activity suggested she understood the commands and was therefore conscious. Now Owen’s team has taken the idea a step further. A man also diagnosed with VS was able to answer yes and no to specific questions by imagi A. A.enabling them to think B.enabling them to speak C.providing them with choices D.providing them with activities [判断题]( )我国法律要求学校尊重未成年人的人格尊严。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]PT燃油系统由燃油泵( )和喷油器组成。
A.进油管路 B.回油管路 C.燃油通道 D.回水管道 [填空题]消防救援人员敬礼分为( )着制式服装时,通常行举手礼;着便服、携带装备器材或者因伤病残不便行举手礼时,行注目礼。
[判断题]锅炉燃烧设备的惯性大,当负荷变化时,恢复汽压的速度较快。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于高钾血症的心电图表现,错误的是()。
A. P波振幅减小或消失 B. PR间期缩短 C. QRS波群增宽,尤其是终末部分增宽 D. T波高尖 E. ST段下移或抬高 [单项选择]I would ________ you not to involve in this matter.
A. council B. counsel C. declare D. console [简答题]什么是脱盐水?
A.板状腹 B.触之如揉面感 C.腹部紧张度减弱 D.腹部紧张度消失 E.脊髓损伤引起的腹肌瘫痪 [不定项选择题]患者腹形明显小于妊娠月份,胎儿存活,形寒腹冷,四肢不温,舌淡苔白,脉沉迟滑,其病症结合诊断是
A.胎儿生长受限,肾气亏虚证 B.先兆流产,气血虚弱证 C.先兆流产,阴虚内热证 D.胎儿生长受限,胞宫虚寒证 E.先兆流产,血瘀证 [单选题]站修信息化管理主要包括HMIS站修子系统、( )、5T指导造修系统、质量跟踪系统等子系统。
A.A班组管理系统 B.B车间管理系统 C.C信息管理系统 D.D质量分析系统 [单项选择]某油田2011年12月生产原油6400吨,当月销售6100吨,每吨不含增值税价格为3000元,自用5吨,另有2吨在采油过程中用于加热、修井。该油田原油资源税税率为5%,该油田当月应缴纳资源税()。
A. 915750元 B. 856200元 C. 915000元 D. 685220元 [判断题](47218)( )曲线拨道时要适当预留回弹量,下压时少留,上挑时多留,拨量大的多留,拨量小的少留。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下情形中,属于窃电行为的是( )。
A.在供电企业的供电设施上,擅自接线用电 B.绕越供电企业的用电计量装置用电 C.故意破坏供电企业的用电计量装置 D.无意间使供电企业的用电计量装置计量不准或失效 我来回答: 提交