Many visitors (36) Britain are not fond of English food. They are often heard (37) , "English food is not good, English cooking is (38) . " But they do not really know what they are talking about because they (39) get a chance to eat it. (40) of the restaurants in large towns have foreign (41) and serve foreign food. When visitors are (42) to eat in an English home, the hosts often feel they must offer them something (43) . Those of us (44) do know English food understand that at its best it (45) be really very good. (46) , it is true to say that it is (47) terrible. Part of the (48) is that we are not really interested in food — we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not (49) the necessary time cooking truly good meals. We like food that is simple and (50) to cook, or already prepared food which only needs heating up
A. when
B. where
C. which
D. that
[听力原文] 8-10
M: How much are the carnations and the roses
W: One dollar for each carnation and (9)one and a half for each red rose.
M: (9)Then I’d like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses.
W: I bet it’s for your mother, (8)as it’s Mother’s Day today.
M: Well, not completely true. (8)It happens to he her birthday.
W: Oh, really I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnations from you.
M: Yeah, she will. She really likes flowers. So I buy her some every year. I’d just wish they would stay fresh longer than they do.
W: (10)Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water. They’ll stay fresh for days.
M: Really I’ll tell my mother. And thanks for your suggestion.
W: That’s all right. Happy birthday to your mother!
For someone whose life has been
shattered, Hiroshi Shimizu is remarkably calm. In a cramped Tokyo law office,
the subdued, bitter man in his 30s—using an assumed name for the interview
relates how he became infected with the HIV virus from tainted blood products
sold by Japanese hospitals to hemophiliacs during the mid-1980s. "I was raped,"
says Shimizu. "I never thought doctors would give me bad medicine. " last year, Shimizu was shocked when a doctor newly transferred to his hospital broke the news. Four years earlier, he had asked his previous doctor if he could safely marry. "He told me: ’There’s absolutely no problem,’ even though he knew [I was infected]," Shimizu says. "I could have passed it to my wife. " Luckily, he hasn’t. Shimizu is one of more than 2,000 hemophiliacs and their loved ones infected with the deadly vi A. at the time when Japanese government required that untreated blood was forbidden to be imported from abroad B. when it was sure HIV virus was a great threat to human beings C. because there was an emergent need for blood in treating hemophiliacs D. as the Health and Welfare Ministry made an unanimous recommendation on the imports of blood products [多选题] 焦虑症状包括:
A. 漂浮焦虑 B. 精神运动性不安 C. 无名焦虑 D. 植物神经功能障碍 [多项选择]利率风险管理的目标是,银行将可能的利率波幅内的利率风险,限制在其自行设定的范围之内。()为实现这一目标提供了手段。
A. 利率风险管理的战略和政策 B. 利率风险管理政策和程序 C. 董事会及高管层的责任 D. 风险限额 E. 风险指南 [单选题]抵押是担保的一种方式,根据《物权法》,下列说法对的是()。
A.债权人不占有债务人或第三人用于抵押的财产 B.债权人任何时候都无权就抵押财产优先受偿 C.抵押需将财产移交给债权人,一旦债务人不能履行到期债务,可直接用于清偿 D.抵押财产的使用权归债权人所有 [判断题]交感神经兴奋引起心跳加快,血管收缩,血压升高,瞳孔放大消化道蠕动减弱。()
[填空题]集中监测告警系统支持( 、 、 )的告警屏蔽条件及其组合。
[单选题]对危险货物道路运输负有安全监督管理职责的部门发现危险货物托运、承运或者装载过程中存在重大隐患,有可能发生安全事故的,道路运输经营者应当( )。
A.要求其停止作业并消除隐患 B.下达隐患整改通知,要求限期整改 C.责令罚款 D.予以关闭 我来回答: 提交