Tom saw an advertisement (广告) in a
newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle. It cost 55 pounds, so he went to the
shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles. The owner of the shop was very happy to show one to Tom. Tom examined it carefully, turned to the owner of the shop and said, "There isn’t a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement." "Yes, sir, "answered the man, "but the lamp isn’t included (包括) in the price of the bicycle. " "Not included in the price of the bicycle " Tom said angrily. "But that’s not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price. " "Well, sir, "answered the shop owner coldly, "there is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement, but we can not give you a girl A. lamp... man B. picture... lamp C. lamp... girl D. newspaper... shop owner [单选题]心源性腹水与肝源性腹水的主要鉴别 点是
A.颈静脉怒张 B.下肢水肿 C.贫血貌 D.腥都移动性浊音 E.发热 [单选题]我国有关法律规定,残疾人康复工作以( )为基础。
A.医院康复 B.家庭康复 C.社区康复 D.社会康复 [单项选择]建筑高度超过()的二类高层公共建筑应设消防电梯。
A. 12层 B. 32层 C. 24m D. 32m [判断题]电气化区段上水、保洁、施工养护等作业,不得将水管向供电线路方向喷射或水柱喷溅。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有清热利湿功效的药物是
A. 丹参 B. 牛膝 C. 苏木 D. 姜黄 E. 虎杖 [多选题]样本均值是总体均值的( )
A.无偏估计量 B.一致估计量 C.有偏估计量 D.无效估计 E.近似估计量 [判断题]地质灾害评估工作级别按建设项目的重要性和地质环境条件的复杂程度分为二级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是单程票。
A.计时计次票 B.具有充值功能,一次性使用的车票 C.具有储值功能,可重复充值使用的车票 D.不具有充值功能,一次性使用的车票 [单选题]慢性排斥反应的主要原因是
A.CD4T细胞/巨噬细胞 B.抗ABO血型抗体或HLA-Ⅰ类分子抗体 C.NK细胞 D.抑制细胞的活化 E.对HLA抗原的耐受 [单项选择]14岁女孩。学校体检:心界正常,心率82次/分,期前收缩5~7次/分,心音正常,无杂音。心电图示室性期前收缩,平时无自觉症状。处理措施是()
A. 利多卡因 B. 心得安 C. 普罗帕酮 D. 胺碘酮 E. 仍需进一步检查 [单选题]下列管件中不属于压力容器安全附件的是( )。
A.A、安全阀 B.B、爆破片 C.C、液位计L D.D、人孔盖 [多选题]天窗按用途分未()和()
A.维修天窗 B.施工天窗 C.检修天窗 D.维护天窗 [填空题]专用于液晶彩色电视机的无绳红外遥控器(单独进口)
A. 继续犯 B. 吸收犯 C. 牵连犯 D. 想象竞合犯 我来回答: 提交