Forget football. At many high schools, the fiercest competition is between Coke and Pepsi over exclusive "pouring rights" to sell on campus. But last week Jeffrey Dunn, president of Coca-Cola Americas, called a timeout: Coke’s machines will now also stock water, juice, and other healthful options—even rival brands and their facades will feature school scenes and other "noncommercial graphics" instead of Coke’s vivid red logo. "The pendulum needs to swing back" on school-based marketing, said Dunn.
Coke’s about-face—particularly the call to end the exclusive deals that bottlers make with school districts—comes amid rising concern over kids’ health. American children are growing ever more obese and developing weight-related diseases usually found in adults. While inactivity and huge helpings factor heavily, a recent study in the Lancet fingered soda pop as a likely culprit. Communities—and legisla
A. to keep promise of fulfilling the contracts
B. to avoid making as many deals as before
C. to refrain from doing business with schools
D. to yield in claims while making a contract
If you ever went to the United States
to study in a college or a university, one of the first things you would have to
do is to open a checking account. If you went to a bank to open an account, you
would probably go through most of the following procedures. Not all banks have
the same requirements for opening new accounts, of course, and the routine may
vary somewhat. First you would go to the New Accounts Department and fill out a signature card. In order to open an account, you would have to offer proof of your identity (身份). A passport is one of the best kinds of identification to have, but other kinds are accepted, one of the most common being a driver’s license. You would need to have a permanent address in the city, and you would also be asked to supply the name of a permanent resident who is willing to recommend you. For this pu A. it’s difficult to open a checking account in America B. you must always keep at least $ 50 in your account C. you must deposit $ 50 at least for opening an account D. while studying in America, you must have a checking account [判断题]缓降器是由挂钩(或吊环).吊带.绳索及速度控制等组成,是一种可使人沿着(随)绳(带)缓慢下降的安全营救装置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]公安工作的基本方针完整地表述了公安工作中( )之间的关系,反映了我国公安工作的重要特色和优势。
A. 党的领导 B. 公安机关 C. 人民警察 D. 人民群众 [单项选择]对计数数据和交叉分类数据进行差异显著性检验最适合的方法是()。
A. t检验 B. X2检验 C. F检验 D. Z检验 [单选题]瓶装液化气用户自我查漏,可用( )涂抹各连接处查漏。
A. 肥皂水 B. 牙膏 C. 油脂 D. 明火 [单选题]禁用热疗病人是()
A.早产儿 B.牙周炎早期 C.末指循环不良 D.胃肠痉挛 [判断题]触电急救应分秒必争,一经明确心跳、呼吸停止的,立即就地迅速用电击进行抢救
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]职业危害是指对从事职业活动的劳动者可能导致职业病的各种危害。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肝硬化腹水患者过多放液可诱发
A.肝性脑病和电解质紊乱 B.循环衰竭和电解质紊乱 C.肾衰和电解质紊乱 D.低蛋白血症 E.低血容量性休克 [多选题]润滑油的水分不合格原因有( )。
A.基础油带水 B.油罐透光孔或检尺孔进雨水 C.调合温度过高 D.加热管线漏水、漏汽 [单选题]冻疮的命名方法是
A.以病因命名 B.以部位命名 C.以疾病特征命名 D.以形态命名 E.以范围大小命名 [判断题]立正是消防救援队伍人员的基本姿势,是队列动作的基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]花粉植物
[多选题]我国的环境保护制度包括( )。
A. 环境影响评价制度 B. “三同时”制度 C. 排污申报登记与排污许可证制度 D. 环境监测制度 [单项选择]现行版《中华人民共和国药典》的颁布日期是()。
A. 1949年 B. 1953年 C. 1985年 D. 1995年 E. 2005年 [单项选择]The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that ______.
A.a d>φ847mm,不需加垫 B.φ838mm<d≤φ847mm时,该辆车四个空气弹簧下面均加装厚度为(6±0 5)mm的调整垫 C.φ830mm<d≤φ838mm时,该辆车四个空气弹簧下面均加装厚度为(10±0 5)mm的调整垫 D.φ825mm<d≤φ830mm时,该辆车四个空气弹簧下面均加装总厚度为(13 2±1)mm的调整垫 [多选题]在搭接网络计划中,下列关于关键工作和关键线路的叙述,正确的有( )。
A.总时差为零的工作为关键工作 B.总时差最小的工作为关键工作 C.当计算工期等于计划工期时,关键工作的总时差为零 D.由总时差为最小的工作组成的线路为关键线路 E.从起点开始,沿总时差为最小的工作和时间间隔为零的线路直至终点节点所组成的线路为关键线路 [判断题]分队动作要整齐一致;队形变换后,分队以上指挥员应当进到规定的列队位置( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于站用变例行巡视,说法正确的是( )
A.原存在的设备缺陷是否有发展 B.气体继电器(本体、有载开关)、温度计防雨措施良好 C.压力释放阀及防爆膜应完好无损,无漏油现象 D.气体继电器内应无气体 [单选题]同一高压配电站、开闭所内,全部停电或属于同一电压等级、同时停送电的几个电气连接部分上的工作,可使用一张配电第一种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]隧道内每150米左右设有()
A.调度电话分机 B.行车电话 C.轨旁电话 D.公务电话 [单选题].施工无专人监护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是我国采取的驰名商标保护原则。
A.批量认定 B.个案认定 C.主动认定 D.三年认定一次 [单项选择]滚动轴承通常由内圈、外圈、滚动体和()4个元件组成.
A. 保持架 B. 钢圈 C. 钢珠 D. 滚珠 [单选题]包房式硬卧票价分别按硬卧中、下铺另加( )计算。
A.A、20% B.B、30% C.C、40% D.D、50% 我来回答: 提交