In some early attempts by psychologists to describe the basic learning process, the terms ’stimulus’, ’response’ and ’reinforcement’ were introduced. In an educational setting, these (1) could be defined as follows. When a teacher gives an (2) , or sets a problem, or asks a question, the pupil (3) in some way, and the teacher then tells the pupil if he has responded correctly. The teacher’s first action is called the (4) . The pupil’s action, carrying out the instruction, or solving the problem, or answering the question, is (5) the response. When the teacher tells the pupil his response is (6) , the bond between the stimulus and the response is strengthened and reinforcement is positive. If the response is incorrect, the bond is weakened, and reinforcement is (7)
Some psychologists laid great (8) on the importance of reinforcement for continued learning. They (9)
A. false
B. correct
C. artificial
D. true
Three friends decided to sail around
the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with food and water and set off.
They traveled to many beautiful places, and were having a wonderful
time. Until one day, when they had been at sea for about a month, a fierce storm blew up. Great waves crashed(坠毁)down on their little yacht. The mast(船桅) broke and the yacht was soon thrown against some rocks near a deserted island. The three men were able to struggle to the island, taking with them as much food as they could carry. Not a tree, not a bush, not a flower grew on the island. There was not an animal of any kind, not even a bird or an insect. For a few weeks the three men were able to live on the food they had saved, but at last it was gone--except for one piece of bread. They decided that whoever had the best dream the next night could h A. a lot of vegetation but no trees, bushes or flowers B. rio vegetation(植物) or wildlife C. plentiful supplies D. a few birds and animals [单选题]为保证员工在生产活动中的人身安全,确保安全工器具的( )和安全使用,规范安全工器具全过程管理工作,特制定新疆电力公司电力安全工器具管理规定(试行)。
A.便捷性 B.使用寿命 C.产品质量 D.优良性能 [单选题]公民应当增强环境保护意识,采取( )的生活方式,自觉履行环境保护义务。
A.低碳、节俭 B.自给自足 C.奢华、浪费 [填空题]四显示自动闭塞区段的进站色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光,准许列车按规定速度经道岔直向位置进入或通过车站,表示运行前方至少有( )闭塞分区空闲。J415
[单选题]3岁男孩,开始出现频繁呛咳,后发生面部青紫,首先要考虑( )。
A.急性肺炎 B.药物中毒 C.以上都不是 D.粟粒性肺结核 E.气管异物 [多选题]正线线路平纵断面复测由集团公司下达任务,有关()和完成。
A.工务段 B.工务处 C.旧线测量队 D.技术科 [单选题] 我国每年()都有强台风登陆我国大陆沿海省市,造成数十亿元的财产损失和数百人的伤亡。( )
A. 4月-5月 B. 6月-8月 C. 7月-9月 D. 8月-10月 [判断题]建设管理单位要加强农网工程立项、设计、施工、验收等各环节资料的收集整理,确保工程项目档案和工程实际情况相一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]定存宝理财主账户保留余额不得低于()元。
A. 500元 B. 1000元 C. 2000元 D. 50000元 [名词解释]巨大染色体
A. 麦角胺咖啡因片 B. 地西泮(安定)片 C. 阿司匹林 D. 对乙酰氨基酚 E. 卡马西平 [单项选择]关于多囊卵巢综合征错误的是()
A. 雌酮高值 B. 体内FSH呈低水平 C. 体内LH呈持续高水平 D. 胰岛素减少与黑棘皮病有关 E. 雄激素过多持续无排卵 [判断题]行政强制设定时,起草单位应当向制定单位说明该行政强制的具体实施机关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人生价值是自我价值和社会价值的统一。评价一个人社会价值的大小,第一位的是看他()
A. 对社会的责任和贡献 B. 从社会获得的尊重和满足 C. 是否选择了正确的人生价值目标 D. 从事创造性的实践活动的思想动机 [判断题]地表移动观测站一般可设走向观测线和倾斜观测线各一条,设在移动盆地的主断面位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]特殊情况下,个人可决定停息、减息、缓息和免息。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞电缆余量可以成“O”形闭合环状.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]流行病学实验的双盲法是指()。
A. 研究对象和负责分组及照顾病人的医师不知道试验分组情况 B. 研究对象和资料收集及分析人员不知道试验分组情况 C. 研究对象和试验设计者不知道试验分组情况 D. 试验设计者和负责分组及照顾病人的医师不知道试验分组情况 E. 以上均不正确 [多项选择]多发骨髓瘤的F-FDG-PET/CT特点是()
A. F-FDG以较高代谢为主 B. "穿凿"样征像 C. 病灶多分布于扁骨 D. 无代谢 E. 癌组织集中于髓腔内 [判断题]井下爆破作业必须执行“一炮三检制”。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》规定:水污染防治应当坚持( )的原则,优先保护饮用水水源,严格控制工业污染、城镇生活污染,防治农业面源污染,积极推进生态治理工程建设,预防、控制和减少水环境污染和生态破坏。
A. 预防为主、防治结合、综合治理 B. 预防为主、综合治理 C. 防治结合、综合治理 D. 预防为主、防治结合、全面治理 [单选题] 根据《反家庭暴力法》 的规定 , 人身安全保护令的有效期不超过( ) 。
A. 六个月 B. 三个月 C. 五个月 D. 一年 [单项选择]后矢状径是
A. 10cm B. 9cm C. 11cm D. 12cm E. 13cm [多项选择]握手通行的做法一般是()
A. 用右手相握 B. 多人同时握手可以交叉握手 C. 握紧对方的手,时间为一至三秒 D. 被介绍之后,立即主动伸手 [判断题]根据《关于水土保持补偿费收费标准的通知》的规定,排放废弃土、石、渣的,根据土、石、渣量,按照0.2元/吨计征水土保持补偿费。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Passage Three Did you know that a turtle can lay twelve eggs in one minute A large sea turtle lays around 150 eggs at a time. She lays all these eggs in just a few minutes. Large sea turtles live in the warm seas of the world. Except for when they lay their eggs, they spend their whole lives in water. When it is time to lay their eggs, the females swim to land. They usually return to the place where they themselves were born. How they find their way back there is a mystery. When they reach shore, the big, heavy turtles crawl slowly up to the high water mark. Using their flippers, they pull themselves along the sand. They struggle like mountain climbers to attain their goal. When they finally reach dry sand, they rest before beginning the difficult task of laying eggs. The turtles lay the eggs in deep holes and cover them with warm sand. The sand protects the eggs from harm. Then the females leave them. After a few weeks, if you happened to be walking along the beach, you m [单选题]航行情报服务的内容不包括( )?
A.航图 B.反劫机情报 C.气象报告 D.航行资料 我来回答: 提交