Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to
attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology
that there would be a slight (16) before setting down. High
desert winds had (17) the airport to close all but one
runway. He said that we would be (18) the city for a few
minutes waiting to (19) . We were also told to remain in our
seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened (20) there might
be a few bumps(颠簸). Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes,
including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) (21)
by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers
felt (22) and had to use airsickness bags. As you might
guess, that’ s not a good thing to have happen in a(n) (23)
space because it only (24) to increase the discomfort of the
situation A. they are caught and sent for heavy work B. illegal hunters capture them and kill them C. they are attacked and their land gets limited D. dogs often bark at them and chase them [多选题]人工定额按表现形式的不同,可分为( )。
A.时间定额 B.单项工序定额 C.产量定额 D.综合定额 E.分部工程定额 [多项选择]制造设备在腐蚀严重或产品纯度要求高的场合一般使用()。
A. 低碳钢和普通低合金钢 B. 不锈钢和不锈复合钢板 C. 铝制造设备 D. 铜和铜合金或铸铁 [单项选择]在质量数据特征值中,可以用来描述离散趋势的特征值是( )。
A. 总体平均值 B. 样本平均值 C. 中位数 D. 变异系数 [单选题]短圆柱轴承轴箱前盖接地装置M12的螺栓紧固时力矩为( )。
A.8.8N · m B.15N · m C.45 N · m D.55 N · m [判断题]申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,可以允许申请人当场更正。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]抢险救援靴主要由靴底、靴帮和靴头三部分构成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]AloE的药用部分是()
A. 树脂 B. 茎叶提取物 C. 树胶 D. 叶汁干燥品 [简答题]设计适用于实时环境的操作系统主主要因难是什么?
[填空题]Years ago, I became_________________(习惯散步)every morning.
A.A、、从此上下 B.B、、在此工作 C.C、、止步,高压危险 [单项选择]下列各项不符合吸气性呼吸困难特点的是
A. 吸气费力 B. 重者有"三凹征" C. 呼气时间明显延长 D. 常伴干咳 E. 常有高调吸气性喉鸣 [单选题]油、气、水管道检修时,在许可检修前,运行值班人员应做好一切必要的切换工作,()相关管道内部的油、水、气,保证检修管道与其他部分可靠隔断。
A.保持 B.恢复 C.排除 D.释放 [单选题]成人口对口人工呼吸每分钟应为 ( )次。
A. 10~12次 B. 16~18次 C. 18~24次 [单选题]“自制/外购”分析过程中,( )时,项目不应从外部进行采购。
A.自制成本高于外购 B.与其他项目有资源冲突 C.项目需要保密 D.技术人员能力不足 [判断题]电是一种看不见、听不到、闻不着、摸得到的能源。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交