There are two kinds of memory:
short-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be remembered at a
later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks.
However, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds,
usually by repeating the information over and over. The following experiment
shows how short-term memory has been studied. Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, and native-speaking students. To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each A. beginners have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of words B. advanced students remember words by their meaning C. it is difficult to remember words that sound alike D. it is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning [单选题] 市场经济条件下,不违反职业道德规范中关于诚实守信要求的是( )。
A.通过诚实合法劳动,实现利益最大化 B.打进对手内部,增强竞争优势 C.根据服务对象来决定是否遵守承诺 D.凡是有利于增大企业利益的行为就做 [单选题]要以培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人为着眼点,把( )融入社会发展
各方面,转化为人们的情感认同和行为习惯。 A.社会主义核心价值观 B.做“四有新人” C.马克思主义思想 D.红色文化 [填空题]隧道内紧急救援站,横通道通行宽度不应小于( )m。D
[判断题]. 实施供水作业时,水泵出口、水带接口附近不可以站人,防止接口崩脱伤人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]5岁小儿,体重20kg,24小时尿量1000ml。血BUN6.8mmol/L,肌酐75μmol/L,泼尼松治疗,尿Cr3490μmol/L。该小儿肾功能状态为()
A. 正常 B. 肾功能不全代偿期 C. 肾功能不全失代偿期 D. 肾衰竭期 E. 终末肾 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,站、车装载、堆放一级包装的放射性包裹应备专门存放地点,与感光器材和人应保持不少于( )米的距离。
A.0.4 B.2 C.0.5 D.1 [单项选择]MDI装置主要用于()
A. 鼻腔制剂 B. 肺部制剂 C. 口服制剂 D. 口腔制剂 E. 经皮制剂 [单项选择]What does the woman think a businessman should be
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]手持式电动工具接线可以随意加长。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性患者,18岁,反复午后发热1个月,体温在37.3~37.8℃,疲乏无力,消瘦。近1周来咳嗽,偶尔咳血性痰,夜间盗汗。无胸痛、气短。外院X线检查见右锁骨上见斑片状阴影。痰结核菌检查阴性。
该患者最可能的诊断是 A. 浸润型肺结核 B. 支气管肺癌 C. 支气管扩张合并感染 D. 军团菌肺炎 E. 真菌性肺炎 [单选题]喜儿:《白毛女》:戏剧
A.孙悟空:《西游记》:传奇 B.祥林嫂:《祝福》:小说 C.罗贯中:《三国演义》:小说 D.林冲:《水浒》:古典 [单选题] 电动蝶阀主要用在建筑设备中( )的阀门控制。
A.比较大 B.比较小 C.中型 D.小型 [判断题]各级国家综合性消防救援队伍消防事主官为本级作战和训练安全工作的第一责任人,灭火救援指挥员和业务训练组织者为安全工作的直接责任人,安全员具体负责作战和训练中的安全监督工作。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交