There are many good reasons for great
current attention to university-industry relations, but there are troublesome
reasons as well. One is that universities are now unusually hungry. There is
nothing wrong with hunger. But a hungry man may cut comers in his rush to
nourishment, and he may be taken advantage of in negotiations. Fear of this is
leading to the threat of protectionism, as exemplified by recent attempts to
classify or otherwise control access to university research, including that
joint with industry. In designing university-industry connections, protecting interests by high-level negotiations is wrong. Protectionism is dangerous and habit-forming. Circumstances exist where it is appropriate, but only for a short time. One of the few essentials of agreements is that any secrecy or interference with open publication or A. To explain why they need government support. B. To emphasize the importance of maintaining them. C. To give reasons why their existence would be necessary. D. To argue that encouraging young people to go into applied fields is important. [判断题]触电急救,首先要使触电者迅速脱离电源,越快越好。因为电流作用的时间越长,伤害越重。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下货币制度中会发生劣币驱逐良币现象的是( )。
A.金银双本位 B.金银平行本位 C.金币本位 D.金汇兑本位 [单选题]关于霍乱弧菌,正确的是
A.产生神经毒素 B.引起强烈腹泻 C.嗜酸性 D.革兰染色阳性 E.有芽胞 [单项选择]当变压器空载时,空载电流很小,绕组的铜损()。
A. 也很小 B. 很大 C. 无穷大 D. 为零 [单选题]为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在进行的不法侵害,而采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成损害的,属于()。
A. 正当防卫 B. 意外事件 C. 紧急避险 D. 犯罪 [不定项选择题]男,26岁。左下颌智齿拟在局麻下拔除。
A.下颌角 B.喙突 C.髁突 D.升支 E.下颌体 [单选题] 甲胎蛋白测定阳性时,对下列哪种疾病有意义
A.原发性肝癌 B.肝硬化 C.慢性活动性肝炎 D.肝转移癌 E.肝性脑病 [单项选择]邮件客户端从邮件服务器上下载邮件,用到的协议是 (67) 。
A. SMTP B. SNMP C. FTP D. POP3 [单项选择]某建筑工程建筑面积100000m2,现浇剪力墙结构。底板厚3m,底板混凝土强度等级C36/P12。底板钢筋施工时,板厚1.5m处的HRB335级直径16mm钢筋,后来用HPB235级直径10mm的钢筋进行代换。
( )是混凝土强度等级的依据。 A. 立方体抗压强度标准值 B. 棱柱体抗压强度标准值 C. 圆柱体抗压强度标准值 D. 棱柱体抗压强度设计值 [单选题]“大学毕业只是告别学校,不是告别学习”指的是( )。
A.应树立自主学习的理念 B.应树立终身学习的理念 C.应树立创新学习的理念 D.应树立全面学习的理念 [单选题]频谱式电平指示器一般采用( )LED或者LCD构成。
A.10X10只 B.1×10只 C.100×100只 D.1000×1000只 [单选题]私用驾驶员执照申请人在航空器上至少40小时的飞行经历时间中,包括...小时单
飞训练 A. 20 B. 15 C.10 我来回答: 提交