Complaining about faulty goods or bad
service is never easy. Most people dislike making a fuss. But if something you
have bought is faulty or does not do what was claimed for it, you are not asking
for a favour to get it put right. (76){{U}}It is the shopkeeper’s responsibility
to take the complaint seriously and to replace or repair a faulty article or put
right poor service, because he is the person with whom you have entered into an
agreement. {{/U}}The manufacturer may have a part to play but that comes
later. Complaints should be made to a responsible person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any receipt you may have. Ask to see the buyer in a large store. In a small store the assistant may also be the owner so you can complain direct. In a chain store ask to see the manager. Ev A. you have been hurt B. you can’t find something wrong C. your clothes have been tom or lost D. damage has been caused by the faulty article [单项选择]芤脉的脉象是()
A. 举之有余,按之不足 B. 浮大中空,如按葱管 C. 浮而细软 D. 三部脉举按皆无力 E. 浮大无根,稍用力则按不着 [单选题]10kV 接地系统中的容量 800kVA 及以上的油浸式电力变压器应装设( )保护。
A.速断、过电流、气体、温度 B.速断、过电流、气体、温度、低电压 C.速断、过电流 D.速断、过电流、气体、温度、零序电流 [单选题]门、窗用未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)主型材可焊性要求试样不清理焊缝,只清理()的边缘。
A.A、90º B.B、45º C.C、135º D.D、60º [填空题]为了便于对照检查,测试用例应由输入数据和预期的【 】两部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]超低出生体重儿是指
A.出生1小时内体重不足1000g者 B.出生1小时内体重不足1250g者 C.出生1小时内体重不足1500g者 D.出生1小时内体重不足2000g者 E.出生1小时内体重不足2500g者 [简答题]消防装备购置的基本原则是什么?
[单选题]辽宁省农村信用社使用的金信e盾均为( ),在采购前,证书已被预先写入其中。
A.预制证书 B.特制证书 C.客户证书 D.非预制证书 [单项选择]哪个是JSP指令标记?()
A. 〈%……%〉 B. 〈%!……%〉 C. 〈%@……%〉 D. 〈%=……%〉 [判断题][T]BG007523
实现无管采油是空心抽油杆能解决的问题之一。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]3.8.第8题重合闸前加速保护比重合闸后加速保护的重合闸成功率高。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 霓虹灯安装使用的移动挂梯、梯子下沿要设支撑脚,以防挂梯移动损坏霓虹灯管等零件。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Among the raft of books, articles, jokes, romantic comedies, self-help guides and other writings discussing marriage, some familiar ideas often crop up. Few appear more often than the (31) that many old couples look alike. You have probably seen it before—two elderly people walking hand-in-hand down the street or sitting at a cafe, (32) each other so strongly that they could be siblings. Do these couples actually look alike, and if (33) , what has caused them to develop this way
A study published in the March 2006 issue of Personality and Individual Differences may have the (34) . Twenty-two people, divided equally (35) male and female, (36) in the study. They were asked to judge the looks, personalities and ages of, 160 married couples. The participants viewed photographs of men and women separately and were (37) told who was married to (38) . The subjects consistently judged people who were married (39) being similar (40) appearance and personal
A.未经批准不得离开居住的乙县或者指定的处所 B.不得参加大型群众性活动或者从事特定的活动 C.未经乙县公安局批准不得乘坐公共交通工具或者进入特定的场所 D.不得与特定的人员会见或者通信 [单选题]当柴油机曲轴箱超压,4ZJ动作,操纵台( )灯亮,柴油机停机。
A.1XD B.2XD C.3XD [单选题]甲烷的爆炸范围为()
A.A.4.3%~46% B.B.5.0%~15.0% C.C.1.2%~7.0% D.D.1.45%~8.0% 我来回答: 提交