Young people like to form groups. If
you are not up to their standard, you will not be accepted into their group. And
if you are an inner- going person and you are very shy, you may not dare to talk
to others. Then what should you do You should take the first step. Don’t wait until others come to talk to you. You should go to them and say "Hello" first. Then you will start a conversation. If you share some interests, you will become very close friends. You should also keep an eye of personal interest of others. Being interested in others will show that you care about them. A boy named David, for example, is very successful in making friends. He says, "I have a real love for people and I take an active interest in others." He adds, "One of the biggest things is to know that pe [判断题]未列入工作计划的临时计划,在全体作业人员知晓危险点和控制措施的情况下,可以进行作业,无需通知设施运维单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设BL=05H,要使结果BL=0AH,应执行的指令是( )。
Passage Five A. She phoned the shoemaker. B. She went to have dinner. C. She felt something wrong. D. She didn't remember the shoemaker. [单选题]依据《云南电网公司电力生产场所接地、悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏业务指导书》,个人保安线应在接触或接近导线( )装设,作业结束,人体脱离导线( )拆除。严禁用个人保安线代替接地线。
A.后、前 B.前、后 C.前、前 D.后、后 [多选题]在试验和推广()、新材料的同时,应制定相应的安全措施,经本单位批准后执行。
A.新技术 B.新工艺 C.新设备 D.新方案 [多项选择]综合分析包括()。
A. 业务量发展情况 B. 运行质量情况 C. 资源利用情况 D. 投诉情况 [单选题] 图形显示装置软件,点击“查看”,选“报警历史记录查询”,可查询火警.监管.反馈及是否消除.启动及是否停止.故障及是否恢复.屏蔽及是否解除.其他事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,23岁,运动时突然出现胸痛,随之出现呼吸困难,其病因最可能是
A. 大叶性肺炎 B. 自发性气胸 C. 左心衰竭 D. 气管异物 E. 右心衰竭 [单选题]按物理性质分,下列测井方法不属于放射性测井的( )。
A.伽玛能谱测井 B.感应测井 C.放射性同位素测井 [多选题]在华为用户管理解决方案中,以下关于认证触发的描述正确的是哪几项?
A.接入用户触发认证的方式有:L2TP VPN、IPSec VPN、SSL VPN等。 B.单点登录是指把防火墙作为认证点,用户完成认证后就可以在防火墙上线。 C.免认证可以在不输入用户名和密码的情况下,完成认证并访问网络资源。 D.Portal认证是指由防火墙或第三方服务器提供Portal认证页面对用户进行认证。 [单选题] 下列物质中,与水作用不发生化学自热着火的是( )。
A.氢化钠; B.黄磷; C.钠; D.钾。 [判断题]( )营业线施工计划分为年度轮廓施工计划、月度施工计划、施工日计划和维修计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()防火墙是在网络的入口对通过的数据包进行选择,只有满足条件的数据包才能通过,否则被抛弃.
A. 包过滤 B. 应用网关 C. 帧过滤 D. 代理 [单项选择]语不接而意接被称为是一种()。
A. 插叙过渡 B. 补叙过渡 C. 暗中过渡 D. 倒叙过渡 [判断题]( )四个发车方向(
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交