As we have seen in earlier chapters,
the American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a
higher material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore, that
Americans have valued education for its monetary value. The belief is widely
spread in the United States that the more schooling people have, the more money
they will earn when they leave school. The belief is strongest regarding the
desirability of an undergraduate university degree, or a professional degree
such as medicine or law following the undergraduate degree. The money value of
graduate degrees in "non-professional" fields such as art, history, or
philosophy is not as great. This belief in the monetary value of education is supported by statistics on income. Ben Wattenberg, a social scientist, estimated that in the course of a lifet A. A master’s degree in literature. B. A master’s degree in specialized fields. C. A master’s degree in pure maths. D. A master’s degree in anthropology. [单项选择]下列哪一项关于妨害民事诉讼强制措施的说法是正确的( )
A. 法院在审理孙某与王某的借款纠纷的过程中,追加林某为无独立请求权的第三人,但林某认为其与案件没有关系,拒绝出庭。在经法庭两次传票传唤后,法院可以对林某实行拘传到庭 B. 在颜某诉李某一案的审理中,李某的亲戚刘某在旁听期间,多次在庭上吵闹,对案件的审理造成了很大的影响,审判长遂当场决定了拘留刘某 C. 一审法院在审理徐某诉吴某一案时,对被告吴某实施了拘留措施。吴某不服,向上级法院申请了复议,经审查,上级法院认为一审法院采取拘留措施不当,此时上级法院应当书面通知一审法院予以纠正 D. 叶某不服法院作出的罚款决定,向上级法院申请复议,在复议期间,原罚款决定并不暂时停止执行 [单项选择]裂口修补术:()
A. 子宫体部瘢痕 B. 子宫下段瘢痕 C. 子宫破裂口小,整齐,感染轻 D. 子宫破裂口大,不整齐,感染重 E. 子宫破裂口延长至宫颈 [多项选择]编制房地产广告预算的基本方法有()等。
A. 目标任务法 B. 消费者需求法 C. 销售百分比法 D. 销售人员规模法 E. 竞争对等法 [单选题]雷达生命探测仪整机具有防水.防震.( )三防能力,同时还具有抗冲击能力
A. 防尘 B.防风 C.防毒 D.防雷 [多选题]关于印发《普速旅客列车车门管理规定》的通知(铁总运2015-191号),普速列车遇临时停车,列车乘务人员应( )。
A.加强车内巡视 B.确保车门锁闭 C.严禁旅客上下车 D.坚守岗位 [填空题]通信系统中,蓄电池的作用非常重要,框架协议中规定蓄电池的单体电导值测量周期为()月,包括站点内的普通电池、室外开关电源中的电池、()电池和UPS系统中的电池。
A. 腮腺导管阻塞 B. 过敏性腮腺炎 C. 症状性腮腺肿大 D. 化脓性腮腺炎 E. 颈部及耳前淋巴结炎 [多选题] OSFPSZ10─150000/220,其中2个S是表示( )。
A. 三相 B. 三绕组 C. 三铁芯 D. 三套管 [判断题]消防救援衔高的人员对消防救援衔低的人员,消防救援衔高的为上级。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Microwave communication uses high-frequency (56) waves that travel in straightlines through the air. Because the waves cannot (57) with the curvature of the earth, they can be (58) only over short distance. Thus, microwave is a good (59) for sending data between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the waves must be relayed by means of "dishes" or (60) .These can be installed on towers, high buildings, and mountain tops.
A. optical B. radio C. electrical D. magnetic [单选题]计算运营期第1年的总成本费用( )万元。
A.880 B. 432.52 C.1000 D.1540.52 [多选题]公安工作离不开人民群众的监督,这是因为( )
A.A.对公安工作的功过是非,要依靠人民群众的检验和评价 B.B.在一切监督力量中,人民群众对公安工作的监督具有第一位的意义 C.C.群众对公安工作的体验最直接 D.D.群众的监督具有广泛性、普遍性 [单选题]CRH1A型动车组牵引电机和( )通过联轴器连接。
A.齿轮箱 B.通风机 C.构架 D.牵引风机 [简答题]自动开关的故障表现有哪些?故障原因是什么?
A. 0.005~0.01 B. 0.05~0.10 C. 1.0~1.5 D. 1.5~2.0 [填空题]在R-C串联正弦交流电路中,R=4Ω,XC=4Ω,则φui=()。
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