{{B}}Competitive Advertising Strategy{{/B}} In terms of its advertising strategy, Coca-Cola France decided in 2002 to have a three-year partnership with the football player Thierry Henry, in order to benefit from his considerable popularity, especially amongst teenagers. Using celebrities shows a new approach for the company, adopting a communication strategy similar to that of its rival, Pepsi Co. During the football world cup, special promotions were organized in some supermarkets. The [单项选择]Some students think that a () translation, or word-for-word translate ton, is easier than a free translation.
A. liberal B. literal C. literary D. linear [多选题]隧道洞口地表径流应采用()、()、()等工程措施;洞口边、仰坡冲沟宜采用排导槽等工程措施。
A.封闭 B.引排 C.截流 D.预防 [多选题]高某因违法行为被处以行政处罚,行政机关需对高某的财务进行查封、扣押,下列说法正确的是( )
A.将高某的违法经营场所查封 B.制作查封、扣押决定书 C.开具了一份查封、扣押清单 D.查封、扣押清单由行政执法人员保管 [单选题]起吊前应检查起重设备及其安全装置;重物吊离地面约()cm时应暂停起吊并进行全面检查,确认良好后方可正式起吊。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 E.略 F.略 [判断题]在轨道车供电电压低于18V时,UPS电源可持续为系统供电不小于15秒。
[单选题] 孕妇王某已近分娩,因投毒杀人被立案侦查。公安机关决定对其取保候审,责令其交纳保证金3000元。婴儿出生1个月后,王某写下遗书,两次自杀未果,其家人轮流看护王某及其婴儿,防止发生意外。对此情况,公安机关对王某应当采取的措施是( )。 (1分)
A.维持原取保候审决定 B.将取保候审变更为监视居住 C.增加取保候审保证金或者变更为保证人担保 D.依法提请人民检察院批准逮捕 [单项选择]外墙保温系统抗风荷载性能实验时,每级实验90%风荷载包含()个负风压脉冲。
A. 10 B. 5 C. 4 D. 1 我来回答: 提交