How many of today’s ailments, or even
illnesses, are purely psychological And how far can these be alleviated by the
use of drugs For example a psychiatrist concerned mainly with the emotional
problems of old people might improve their state of mind somewhat by the use of
anti-depressants but he would not remove the root cause of their depression—the
feeling of being useless, often unwanted and handicapped by failing physical
powers. One of the most important controversies in medicine today is how far doctors, and particularly psychologists, should depend on the use of drugs for "curing" their patients. It is not merely that drugs may have been insufficiently tested and may reveal harmful side effects (as happened in the case of anti-sickness pills prescribed for expectant mothers) but the uneasiness of doctors who feel that th A. a more serious disease B. some emotional problem C. a physical disorder D. prolonged work [填空题]影响夹层枪传爆能力的因素有()、()、()。
A.《医门法律》 B.《外科正宗》 C.《万病回春》 D.《黄帝针灸甲乙经》 E.张仲景著有( ) [单选题]演练现场规则是指为确保演练安全而制定的对有关演练和演练控制、参与人员职责、实际紧急事件、法规符合性、演练结束程序等事项的规定或要求。下列关于演练现场规则的说法,错误的是( )。
A.演练不应要求承受极端的气候条件 B.参演的应急响应设施、人员应预先启动、集结 C.演练过程中所有消息或沟通开头或结束语必须使用规范用语 D.参与演练的所有人员不得采取降低保证本人或公众安全的行动 [单选题]电压负反馈会使放大电路的输出电阻( )。
A.变大 B.减小 C.为零 D.不变 [判断题]开断小母线应逐一进行,以工作人员所处位置为基准,先开断近端,再开断远端,恢复时顺序相反。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species. Natural impulses of anger, hostility, and territoriality are expressed through acts of violence. These are all qualities that humans share with animals. Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism, an instinct for self-preservation, that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence. But, on the other hand, human violence shows evidence of being a learned behavior. In the case of human aggression, violence cannot be simply reduced to an instinct. The many expressions of human violence are always conditioned by social conventions that give shape to aggressive behavior. In human societies violence has a social function: It is a strategy for creating or destroying forms of social order. Religious traditions have taken a leading role in directing the powers of violence. We will look at the ritual and ethical patterns within which human violence has been
A. to control violence within a society B. to protect the world from chaos C. to free society from the idea of revenge D. to give the government absolute power [多选题]售票员岗位的文明用语有( )
A.当日无运能时:对不起!今日已无票。 B.过点车票办理退票时:对不起!退票需在开车前办理。 C.过点办理挂失时:对不起!挂失需在票面开车停止检票前20分钟办理。 D.办理更早列车车票改签时:您好!您需要改签几点的列车? [判断题]在平显上,零度层亮带是波状云回波的一个重要形态特征。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交