Beijing is to spend up to $20 billion
to change the Chinese capital into a 21 st-century one for the 2008
Olympics. The government managed to host the 2008 Olympics. The general aim is for Beijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2008. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent piping natural gas to the city’s homes and taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60, 000 buses will be changed to liquefied gas. The money will also be used for relocating the polluting factories and building green belts. By 2008 around 90 percent of Beijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at present. Olympic officials have already announced that around 50 large projects are being dealt with to improve traffic congestion and cut down pollution, They include the co A. The environment of London is better than that of Toronto. B. In the first paragraph "a 21 st-century one" refers to a modern and advanced capital. C. Beijing is badly polluted mainly by coal burning. D. Liquefied gas is more expensive than petrol. [单项选择]货物转向架用()代码方式编号。
A. 1段 B. 2段 C. 3段 D. 4段 [单选题]基金市场的违法犯罪行为的特点不包括( )。
A.智商高 B.电子化 C.涉案金额小 D.行为隐蔽 [判断题]传统的南北桥芯片组整合到单一的芯片中,形成单芯片控制结构,从而降低了系统的集成度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照有关规定,商业银行未要求理财人员的( )。
A.从业经验 B.职业操守 C.行业资格 D.年龄 [填空题] 县级以上政府有关部门按照“管( )必须管安全、管( )必须管安全、管( )必须管安全”,在各自职责范围内依法依规做好本行业、本系统的消防安全工作。
[单选题]每张工作票只能延期( )。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.四次 [判断题] ( )自然循环锅炉是依靠水和汽水混合物的重度差来推动工质运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列项目中,应作为“其他应付款”核算的有 ( )。
A. 应付产品质量保证金 B. 应付存入保证金 C. 应付短期借款利息 D. 应付统筹退休金 E. 应交住房公积金 [判断题]检查木枕失效,用“看”、“量”、“敲”、“钎”的方法。看腐朽、劈裂和机械磨损情况判断其整体状态;机械磨损严重,削平过多,要在轨底附近量其厚度;用小锤敲击木枕,耳听木枕的腐朽情况,并用测钎探明其影响范围和程度。混凝土枕采用一看二扒三确定的方法检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]室内消火栓给水系统中,一组消防水泵的吸水管不应少于()。( )
A.一条 B.两条 C.三条 D.四条 [单选题]330kV及以上电缆线路红外测温周期应满足( )
A.1个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.1年 [单选题]李明的个子比同学都要矮,为了长高,他每天都打篮球。半年过去了,他的生长速度还是低于一般的同学。因此,他认为打篮球并不能帮助身体长高。下面哪项如果为真,最能削弱李明的观点?
A. 如果不打篮球,李明会更矮 B. 如果踢足球,李会更高 C. 和李明一起打篮球的王刚长高了很多 D. 和李明一起打篮球的陈维个子也没长高 [单选题]在线路上作业时,禁止戴()视觉、听觉的色镜、帽子
A.遮挡 B.遮掩 C.防止 D.妨碍 我来回答: 提交