People like being trusted. They are
annoy-ed, angry, or feel hurt if they are regarded with{{U}} (31)
{{/U}}. They think that they are{{U}} (32) {{/U}}an injustice. They
like being trusted for two reasons: (1) It is a tribute to their honesty, truth,
strength,{{U}} (33) {{/U}}, kindness and good character; (2) They find
it easier to cheat others. These two{{U}} (34) {{/U}}suggest what our
attitude towards trust in{{U}} (35) {{/U}}should be. It is not a simple
attitude. We must keep a balance between two{{U}} (36) {{/U}}over
suspiciousness and infantile naivety. A parallel to our trust in people could be our trust in natural{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. However careful we are, we cannot guarantee{{U}} (38) {{/U}}safety for ourselves in the physical world, yet we act as{{U}} (39) {{/U}}we can trust an ordered series of physical events. A. superstition B. supervision C. suspicion D. suspension [简答题]为在钢中得到折射角β=70°的折射横波,需采入射角α为多少度的斜探头?(楔块纵波声速,钢中横波声速)
[单项选择]患者男,45岁,肥胖7年,口渴多饮2个月,经常餐后3~5 h心悸、多汗、饥饿感,进餐后缓解。空腹血糖8.3 mmol/L,尿糖(+)。最可能的诊断是()
A. 胰岛素瘤 B. 胰岛素性低血糖 C. 糖尿病 D. 胰岛细胞增生症 E. 2型糖尿病,反应性低血糖 [单项选择]Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the( )at the time, otherwise he will not be liable for it.
A. carrier B. consignee C. shipper D. consignor [单项选择]评价营养不良的确诊指标是()。
A. 白蛋白 B. 球蛋白 C. 外周血淋巴细胞计数 D. 转铁蛋白 E. 视黄醇结合蛋白质 [单选题]推土时,严禁推土机沿( )坡顶线方向推土
A.垂直 B.平行 C.倾斜 [单选题]国务院规定,煤炭、电石、铁合金、烧碱、焦炭、黄磷、多晶硅项目资本金比例为()。
A.A.50% B.B.40% C.C.30% D.D.20% [填空题]VC测定中均使用%的草酸,其作用是( )。
[判断题]( )滴定分析中,滴定终点与等当点不一定符合,由此而造成的分析误差叫‘终点误差’。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当接闪杆设置在前端设备安装杆上时,安装杆应采用壁厚不小于( )的钢管。
A.2.5mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,随同成人旅行身高()的儿童,应当购买儿童票。
A.1.0~1.3m B.1.1~1.3m C.1.1~1.4m D.1.2~1.5m [单选题]消防灭火机器人能在( )等恶劣环境中工作(易)
A. 电磁波 B. 水淋 C. 可燃混合气空间 D. 河道中 [单项选择]羟氯喹最严重的不良反应是()
A. 视网膜病变 B. 肺间质病变 C. 胃肠道刺激 D. 肾毒性 E. 骨髓抑制 [单项选择]甲亢行手术治疗时,应切除的比例是()。
A. 40%~50% B. 50%~60% C. 60%~70% D. 70%~80% E. 80%~90% [单选题]在室外高压设备上工作,应在工作地点四周装设围栏,其出入口要围至临近道路旁边,并设有()的标示牌。
A.“在此工作!” B.“从此进出!” C.“止步,高压危险!” D.“从此上下!” 我来回答: 提交