Do you believe that only boys do well in science Does it seem to you that (31) have better vocabularies than boys (32) your opinion, are boys better at building thins If your answer to each of those questions is "Yes", you (33) right, according to an article in Current Science. There are exceptions, but here are the facts.
On the (34) , males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills. (35) show superior ability in tests measuring vocabulary, spelling, and memory. But these (36) will probably not always exist. In the future, a person’s abilities may not be determined (37) sex. As one scientist (38) "Nothing is impossible for a person to be or do. "
In several recent studies, young babies have been observed and tested to discover (39) different abilities are developed. A scientific team headed by Jerome Kagan, a ps
It is not often realized that women (31) a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the (32) of dowry or decimum. Admittedly, the purpose of this was to (33) her against the (34) of desertion, but in reality its (35) in the social and financial life of the time was much more important. The decimum was the wife’s (36) to receive a tenth of all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to withhold (37) , in all the (38) her husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents show that she enjoyed a real (39) of decision, equal to (40) of her husband.
The wife shared in the (41) of her husband’s personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance (42) husbands who tried to (43) their rights, and (44) they sho
A. assigned
B. assigning
C. assign
D. being assigned
Moral responsibility is all very well,
but what about military orders Is it not the soldier’s duty to give instant
obedience to orders given by his military superiors And apart from duty, will
not the soldier suffer severe punishment, even death, if he refuses to do what
he is ordered to If, then, a soldier is told by his superior to burn this house
or to shoot that prisoner, how can he be held criminally accountable on the
ground that the burning or shooting was a violation of the laws of
war These are some of the questions that are raised by the concept commonly called "superior orders", and its use as a defense in war crimes trials. It is an issue that must be as old as the laws of war themselves, and it emerged in legal guise over three centuries ago when, after the Stuart restoration in 1660, A. obeyed illegal orders B. was accused of murder C. disobeyed the superior orders D. offended against the law of war [单项选择]患者50岁,既往史不详,突然发生呼吸困难,满肺哮鸣音,心率120次/分,心脏听诊听不清有无杂音,应首选何药()
A. 毛花苷C B. 硝普钠 C. 异搏定 D. 氨茶碱 E. 普萘洛尔 [单选题](单选题, )人的认识是主体对客体的直观的反映,这是一种( )。
A. 辩证唯物主义认识论的观点 B. 机械唯物主义认识论的观点 C. 主观唯心主义认识论的观点 D. 客观唯心主义认识论的观点 [单项选择]患者女,24岁。2天前淋雨后,畏寒,高热,体温最高39.5℃,咳嗽,咳铁锈色痰,伴右侧胸痛。肺部查体未见明显异常体征,血常规:WBC17×109/L,NE85%。该患者最可能感染的致病菌为()
A. 支原体 B. 衣原体 C. 肺炎克雷伯杆菌 D. 肺炎球菌 E. 金黄色葡萄球菌 F. 厌氧菌 [单选题]ZD6系列电动转辙机自动开闭器主要由( )静接点、2排动接点、2个速动爪、2个检查柱及启动片、速动片等组成。
A.2排 B.3排 C.4排 D.5排 [判断题]1945年举行的雅尔塔会议,其宗旨是划分势力范围,商讨战后大国合作和维护世界秩序问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]胃溃疡癌变的征象有()
A. 45岁以上的患者 B. 持续节律性疼痛 C. 不明原因消化不良 D. 粪隐血持续阳性 E. 发热 [单选题] 接到大型机械的自检合格证明后,()应委托具有相应资质的第三方独立检测机构对大型机械进行检测。万科集团在建项目大型机械设备管理规定A1
* A.总包单位 B.监理单位 C.安装单位 D.租赁单位 [多选题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》商务座车备有( )、热水瓶和一次性硬质塑料水杯。
A.防寒毯 B.耳机 C.眼罩 D.托盘 [多选题]4.24.
配电网电气主接线的基本要求是( )。 A.可靠性,对用户保证供电可靠和电能质量 B.灵活性,能适合各种运行方式,便于检修 C.操作方便,接线清晰,布置对称合理,运行方便 D.经济性,在满足上述三个基本要求的前提下,力求投资省,维护费用少 E.操作性,能适合各种运行方式,便于检修 [单项选择]引起莱姆病的螺旋体是一种新发现的病原体。Fraser等1997年报道了该螺旋体的全基因序列。
该菌株的DNA组成达 A. 1440.000kbp B. 1543.725kbp C. 1253.725kbp D. 1443.725kbp E. 1673.000kbp 我来回答: 提交