Questions 16-20 are based on the following
passage: Beijing’s top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inquiries from people wanting to book rooms during the Games since Beijing won its bid to host the event. "Out of these people, foreigners make up 30 to 40 per cent, including people calling from the United States and Europe," a hotel sales manager surnamed Song said. Minutes before the decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was announced in Moscow, the hotel had already received 50 to 60 such phone calls from would-be game-goers gambling on the result. Domestic callers have mainly come from the southern provinces of Guangdong and A. Beijing Hotel has just been opened recently. B. There are too many luxurious things in Beijing Hotel. C. Beijing Hotel will prepare rooms for those that had booked the room. D. Not only foreigners but also native people wanted to book rooms for Games. [判断题]为延缓路基设备的劣化速度,延长其使用寿命,并使其经常处于良好状态,工区应做好路基设备的经常保养工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在引用他人的论文时,应在文中适当的地方注明出处,其正确顺序是( )
A. 作者、篇名、书刊名、日期、卷(期)号、页码等 B. 篇名、作者、日期、页码等 C. 书刊名、作者、卷(期)号、页码 D. 作者、日期、书刊名、页码等 [简答题]鞋类设计主要包含哪些内容?
[判断题] IS曲线上存在储蓄和投资均衡时,收入和利率的组合点有无数个。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]亚里士多德把哲学分为哪三个类别?()
A. 数学,神学,社会科学 B. 社会科学,自然科学,神学 C. 数学,自然科学,神学 D. 数学,自然科学,社会科学 [单项选择]Because of its excellence in quality, for the last two years, Audi car has Germany's Touring Car Championship.
A. conquered B. contested C. dominated D. determined [判断题]物质的有焰燃烧中的氧化反应,都是通过链式反应进行的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]固定型辙叉接头冻结应采用高强度螺栓,扭矩应保持( )。
A.80~140 N•m B.500~700 N•m C.700~900 N•m D.1100~1400 N•m [判断题]橡皮艇主要用于在水流湍急,水底地形复杂或者水道狭窄以及不适宜使用动力舟艇的水域。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
M: Good morning! Can I help you, Madam A. A coat. B. A shirt. C. A sweater. [判断题]B737-700飞机的化学氧气系统的面罩设置为:每一个旅客单元组件有4个氧气面罩;每一个乘务员单元组件有2个氧气面罩.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《特种设备安全监察条例》(国务院令549号)第二十七条规定,从事锅炉清洗的单位,应当按照安全技术规范的要求进行锅炉清洗,并接受( )实施的锅炉清洗过程监督检验。
A.特种设备检验检测机构 B.特种设备管理部门 C.质量技术监督局 D.特种设备安全监察处 [多选题] 测量变压器绕组绝缘的介质损耗角正切值,主要用于检查变压器( )等。
A.是否受潮 B.绝缘老化 C.油质劣化 [单选题]道岔改道作业标准:查照间隔不小于( )mm。
A.1435 B.1439 C.1348 D.1391 我来回答: 提交