Standard English is that variety of
English which is usually used ill print, and which is normally taught in schools
and to non-native speakers studying tile language. It is also the variety which
is normally spoken by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other
similar situations. The difference between standard and non-standard, it should
be noted, has nothing in principle to do with differences between formal and
colloquial language; Standard English has colloquial as well as formal
variants. Historically, the standard variety of English is derived from the London dialect of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one preferred by the educated, and it was developed and promoted as a model, or norm, for wider and wider A. The court moved from Winchester to London. B. The dialect was used by educated people. C. The dialect remained unaffected by foreign trade. D. The dialect was gradually accepted and spoken by more and more people. [简答题]概述市场与经济发展的关系。
A. 闸刀开关 B. 倒顺开关 C. 空气开关 D. 铁壳开关 [单选题](单选题)每IIU青霉素G钠相当于( )
A.0.25μg B.0.344μg C.0.61μg D.0.6329μg E.1μg [判断题]CIR对机车数据采集编码器进行自检时,若能接收到TAX装置数据时,则判断“TAX装置数据接收”正常,否则判断“TAX装置数据接收”故障。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于手车式开关柜,一般情况下,仅对手车开关本体进行检修时,应在“开关柜检修”状态下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]捣固道床或卧底(拉底)时,前后间隔距离不得少于2米。
[单选题]确立党对军队的绝对领导的历史大事件是( )。
A.八七会议 B.三湾改编 C.文家市决策 D.井冈山会师 [单选题]男,45岁。反复肝功能异常多年,尿少、双下肢水肿2年,加重2周。口服呋塞米20mg,3次/日,尿量由500ml/d增至3500ml/d。1天来昏睡,呼之有反应。患者意识障碍最可能的原因是( )。
A.脑血管意外 B.肝肺综合征 C.肝性脑病 D.肝肾综合征 E.低血容量性休克 我来回答: 提交