{{B}}First Aid{{/B}} The main purpose of
first aid is to provide proper care to suddenly iii or injured persona until
medical help becomes available or, for problems that do not need a physician’ s
attention. Even a child can save a life by knowing what m do. For
example, by rolling an unconscious person’s head to one side, anyone can save
that person from drowning in his own saliva or choking on his tongue. Many
first-aid techniques are as simple, Others require preparation in advance, but
almost anyone can learn most of the important roles and methods.{{B}}
PART Ⅰ: Basle Rules{{/B}} 1. Do not panic: control your
emotions. Then reassure the victim if he or she is conscious, 2.
Ask for help. Send someone to call a physician, the police or fire department,
or an ambulance, Ask others to stop traffic, get supplies, control crowds, etc.
A. ABC B. ACB C. BAC D. CAB [判断题]外墙抹灰层底层起找平作用,砖墙面、混凝土墙面抹灰一般用混合砂浆或水泥砂浆打底。( )
[多选题] 电信用户通过电信业务网上营业厅、短信定制等电子渠道办理电信业务时,电信业务经营者应及时通过( )等方式告知用户是否办理成功。(标准分:2.0)
A.语音 B.短信 C.电子邮件 D.页面窗口 E.信函 [单选题] 当吊笼上升至限定位置时,触发限位开关,吊笼被制停,上部越程距离不应小于( )m。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [判断题].中央预算单位只能开设一个基本建设资金专用存款账户( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )职业道德规范就是法律和政策规范。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]路由协议RIPv2是RIPv1的升级版,它的特点是()。
A. RIPv2是链路状态路由协议 B. RIPv2支持VLSM C. RIPv2每隔90秒广播一次路由信息 D. RIPv2允许的最大跳数为30 [单选题]老年人的饮食宜清淡,一般每天盐的摄入量不超过( )克。
A.7克 B.8克 C.9克 D.10克 我来回答: 提交