Save Energy At Home{{/B}} On the average, Americans waste as much energy as two-thirds of the world’s population consumes. That’s largely the {{U}} (51) {{/U}} of driving inefficient cars, using inefficient appliances (设备), and living and working in poorly insulated (隔热) buildings. Then what can you do to {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the situation Buy energy-efficient products -- Buy new appliances or electronics of the highest energy-efficiency rating. New energy-efficient models may cost more initially, but have a lower operating {{U}} (53) {{/U}} over their lifetimes. The most energy-efficient models {{U}} (54) {{/U}} the Energy Star label, which identifies products {{U}} (55) {{/U}} use 20-40 percent less energy than standard new produc A. power B. result C. way D. work [单项选择]
A. The best universities in the United States. B. High school students’choices after graduation. C. Electronic application in college admission. D. The increasing competition for the top schools in the U. S. [单项选择]关于“新一代计算机”或“未来型计算机”的特点有许多叙述,例如: Ⅰ.新一代的计算机系统主要着眼于机器的智能化 Ⅱ.新一代的计算机系统速度极快,容量无限制,体积很小 Ⅲ.它具有较自然的人机通信能力 Ⅳ.它不但能听、能说,而且能思考 其中可能性比较大的是 ( )
A. Ⅰ B. Ⅱ C. Ⅰ和Ⅲ D. Ⅳ [多选题]在党长期执政的条件下,必须解决的两大历史性课题是()。
A.不断改革党的建设 B.不断改善党的领导水平 C.不断提高党的领导水平和执政水平 D.不断提高党的拒腐防变和抵御风险的能力 [单选题]行程失效系数js最大的柴油机应是________。 (263332:第02-01章 柴油机基本知识)
A.四冲程机 B.二冲程机 C.二冲程直流扫气机 D.二冲程弯流扫气机 [判断题]中国的近代警察是帝国主义入侵中国之后的产物。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]计划财务部按季把账务处理后的相关信息通过OA系统通知使用单位和后勤保障部,使用单位和后勤保障部根据计划财务部通知及时做好( )的登记工作,确保三者一致。
A.资产编码 B.标签粘贴 C.盘盈盘亏 D.管理台账 [单项选择]
Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is (1) on a person-to-person basis by the simple (2) of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we are likely to have conversations (3) we give information or opinions, receive news or comment, and very likely have our views (4) by other members of society. [多选题]下列不属于取印业务需要准备的机具材料是?
A.合同专用笔 B.印鉴卡 C.印泥 D.鞋套 [单项选择]腮腺鞘是由下面哪一层筋膜包裹而成()
A. 颈浅筋膜 B. 颈深筋膜中层 C. 颈深筋膜浅层 D. 颈深筋膜深层 E. 颈阔肌筋膜 [填空题]蓄电池组巡视项目和要求蓄电池均<--NRC-->电压和电流、放电电流正常。
A. 预留出横向安全距离,减速行驶 B. 保持正常速度行驶 C. 临近时紧急制动 D. 加速通过 [单项选择]具有补火助阳功效的药物是
A. 附子 B. 干姜 C. 细辛 D. 花椒 E. 高良姜 [多项选择]雇主要求中可能包括( )内容。
A. 工程的目的 B. 工程的范围 C. 设计 D. 其他技术标准 E. 指定分包商 我来回答: 提交