{{B}}Text{{/B}} Most radio and television stations in the United States are commercial stations,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}is to say, they earn their money from{{U}} (27) {{/U}}or commercials. Private companies purchase radio and television{{U}} (28) {{/U}}from the commercial stations in order to{{U}} (29) {{/U}}their products. Cable television stations are also{{U}} (30) {{/U}}stations, though they do not usually have advertisements.{{U}} (31) {{/U}}watch cable stations, people must pay the cable TV company a certain amount of money each{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. Public radio and television stations, on the{{U}} (33) {{/U}}hand, do not have advertisements and people do not have to{{U}} (34) {{/U}}to watch them. These stations gain their money{{U}} (35) {{/U}}the government, priva A. programs B. projects C. nets D. networks [单项选择]腰轮流量计安装前应(),同时应仔细检查管路,清除杂质。
A. 涂抹防锈油 B. 涂抹防锈漆 C. 去除防锈油 D. 去除防锈漆 [判断题]动车组空气弹簧故障时,随车机械师应通知司机限速要求(所有车型都限速120 km/h)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 车站发现可疑物时,行动要点及注意事项不包括( )。
A.使用无线通讯设备随时保持联络 B.安排封锁可疑物品四周范围 C.决定局部或完全疏散车站,并在疏散前先搜索所有疏散路线 D.立即通知行车调度员,要求公安人员到场进行处理 [单项选择]单纯阑尾切除术时适用()。
A. 表面麻醉 B. 局部浸润麻醉 C. 硬膜外麻醉 D. 蛛网膜下腔麻醉 E. 全身麻醉 [单选题]轧机的轴向调整机构主要用来使轧辊沿( )方向移动。
A.轴线 B.径线 C.法线 D.中线 [单选题]开始沉桩时应( ),当入土一定深度并待桩稳定后,再按要求的落距沉桩。
A.短距轻击 B.高提重打 C.低提重打 D.重锤高击 [单项选择]设存储器的地址线有15条,存储单元为字节,采用2K×4位芯片,按全译码方法组成存储器,当该存储器被扩充成最大容量时,需要此种存储芯片的数量是( )。
A. 16片 B. 32片 C. 64片 D. 128片 [简答题]为什么说中共十一届三中全会是新中国成立以来伟大的历史性转折?
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交