What if you were having a heart attack, but no one believed you A new study of 515 female heart-attack survivors (aged 29 to 97) reveals that this happens all too often.
In the study, 95% said they knew something was seriously wrong a month or more before their heart attack, but none of their doctors had even told them that they had heart disease. And when their heart attack happened, fewer than 30% had chest pain or discomfort, the classic warning signs that most emergency room physicians and nurses look for.
One study volunteer in her mid-30s had a heart attack while driving her children to school. "She had repeatedly sought help for early warning symptoms," says study author Jean McSweeney of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Despite abnormal cardiac stress test results, she got no treatment. Two weeks later, she nearly died.
Here are the signs that a heart attack may be weeks away: extreme fatigue, disturbed sleep, shortness of
A. no one believes women’s study
B. few people believe women’s warning signs
C. women’s heart attack is often ignored
D. women always realized their dangers
Date | /r/nLocation | /r/nTicket price | /r/nNotes | /r/n
Jul 7 | /r/nDanville | /r/n$35-$180 | /r/nAlready sold out | /r/n
on April 20,2000, in Accra, Ghana, the leaders of
six West African countries declared their intention to proceed to monetary union
among the non CFA franc countries of the region by January 2003, as first step
toward a wider monetary union including all the ECOWAS countries in 2004. The
six countries 56 themselves to reducing central bank
financing of budget deficits 57 10 percent of the previous
years government 58 ;reducing budget deficits to 4 percent
of the second phase by 2003 ;creating a Convergence Council to help 59
macroeconomic policies; and 60 up a common
central bank. Their declaration 61 that, "Member States A. consideration B. intention C. exception D. regard [判断题]CRH380B变压器为芯式变压器,膨胀油箱位于02、07车的车顶,从而补偿因温度变化而产生的冷却剂量的变化。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]控制装置的旁通阀为二位二通阀时有两个油口,它们分别与()相连。
A. 进油管、油箱 B. 进油箱、溢流阀 C. 储能器、汇管 D. 溢流阀、油箱 [判断题]CRH380B型动车组每辆变压器车安装有2个直通式电流互感器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]治安案件经公安机关调解,当事人未达成协议或者达成协议后不履行的,公安机关应当继续调解。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]斯科特结线变压器适用于运输较繁忙,两供电臂负荷电流不相等的牵引变电所。
A.无保护 B.无监护 C.两人 D.多人 [单选题] 行政机关应当在听证的() 前, 通知当事人举行听证的时间、 地点。
A. 三日 B. 五日 C. 七日 D. 十日 [单选题]不属于乘务中心职责的是( )。
A.负责车场行车组织工作,做好车辆日常运输的调度指挥和协调工作 B.负责电客车司机的日常派班,及电客车的驾驶、应急故障处理,确保列车正常运行 C.负责正线的行车调度指挥 D.负责车场内微机联锁设备、信号系统的操作工作 [单选题]根据中心规定,( )时,执行早检车电加热预热制度。
A.气温-20°以下 B.气温-10°以下 C.冬令时时刻表 D.每天早检车 [单项选择]治疗咽喉肿痛,痰盛咳喘,首选药物是()
A. 鱼腥草 B. 射干 C. 山豆根 D. 石膏 E. 马勃 [单选题] 某派出所持检查证对一涉嫌赌博的场所进行检查时实施行政强制措施,扣押了现场的赌具和赌资。民警制作了检查笔录,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.被检查人必须在检查笔录上签名 B.不再制作现场笔录 C.赌具和赌资应当追缴 D.民警不能当场作出扣押的决定 [多选题]以下对终端设备的操作哪些需要经信息运维单位(部门)批准才能进行?( )
A.卸载或禁用计算机防病毒、桌面管理等安全防护软件 B.拆卸、更换终端设备硬件 C.在管理信息内网终端设备上启用无线通信功能 D.终端设备及外围设备交由外部单位维修处理 [单项选择]药材养护技术中摊晾法描述错误的是()
A. 摊晾法也称阴干法 B. 摊晾法需要将中药置于室外阳光强烈处 C. 摊晾法借助热空气的流动,吹去水分而干燥 D. 摊晾法适用于芳香性的叶类、花类、果皮类 E. 陈皮适用于摊晾法 [判断题]( )列车运行,原则上以开往北京方向为上行,反之为下行。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交