It might be supposed that greater
efficiency could be achieved if several people worked together to solve a
problem than if only one individual works on it. Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there are conflicts arising among members of a group. Problem solving needs the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction, but also permits the orderly, constructive expression of different opinions; much of the leader’s effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by A. A group of people may solve problems more effectively than an individual. B. The efficiency of a group is worst in the world. C. A group will not be efficient in dealing with national policies D. Effective leaders often solve the problems themselves [单选题]确需使用合资铁路、地方铁路、专用铁路及铁路专用线的机车担当车站的其他调车作业时,作业中应由( )负责指挥和调车作业。
A.车站调车人员 B.机车配属单位调车人员 C.胜任人员 D.调车指挥人 [单选题]IP地址的子网掩码的作用是()。
A.用于掩藏子网,防止黑客攻击 B.用于计算子网中主机的数量 C.用于掩藏IP地址,防止IP地址被盗用 D.用于屏蔽部分IP地址,达到区分网络地址的目的 [判断题]所有向心单列和双列滚动轴承,皆为不可调整类滚动轴承。
A. 港币现钞 B. 人民币 C. 美元现钞 D. 美元现汇 E. 港币现汇 [单项选择]牙周脓肿与牙槽脓肿的鉴别之一是牙周脓肿时()
A. 牙槽骨嵴吸收 B. 脓肿范围弥散 C. 牙髓多无活力 D. 病程较长 E. 叩痛重 [单选题] 物业小区停车场,必须实行严格的( )制度。
A. 车辆出入登记 B. 车辆安全技术检验 C. 机动车号牌管理 D. 车辆保养管理 [判断题]《铁路安全管理条例》规定:从事铁路建设工程勘察、设计、施工、监理活动的单位应当依法取得相应资质,并可在其资质等级许可的范围外从事铁路工程建设活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交