Human beings are animals. We breathe,
eat and digest, and reproduce the same life (21) common to
all animals. In a biological laboratory rats, monkeys, and humans seem very much
the same. However, biological understanding is not enough: (22) itself, it can never tell us what human beings are. (23) to our physical equipment the naked human body--we are not an (24) animal. We are tropical creatures, (25) hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical (26) , our species seems a poor (27) for survival. But we have survived--survived and multiplied and (28) the earth. Some day we will have a (29) living on the moon, a A. residence B. colony C. home D. empire [单选题]单位银行结算账户的季度末月对账单,客户在对账日后______个自然月内未反馈对账回执或对账结果不符的,各行应当查明原因,并对账户采取只收不付等控制账户交易措施。
A.一 B.两 C.三 D.五年 [填空题]月经周期中,由于血中( )和( )浓度下降,导致子宫内膜脱落、出血,形成月经。
[单选题]人能够感觉到刺激物的最小变化量的能力是( )
A.绝对感觉阈限 B.差别感觉阈限 C.绝对感受性 D.差别感受性 [简答题]Polar Bear 临时员工的职责?选C.Give information
[单项选择]下面叙述不正确的是( )。
A. 在函数中,通过return语句传回函数值 B. 在函数中,可以有多条return语句 C. 主函数名main()后的一对圆括号中也可以带有参数 D. 调用函数必须在一条独立的语句中完成 [单选题]拆除蓄电池连接铜排或线缆应使用经绝缘处理的工器具。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [单选题]低压带电作业时,作业范围内电气回路的剩余电流动作保护装置应( )。
A.禁止投入 B.随意 C.投入运行 D.停止运行 [单选题]假性尿失禁又称为()
A.完全性尿失禁 B.压力性尿失禁 C.充溢性尿失禁 D.急迫性尿失禁 E.功能性尿失禁 [判断题]订单融资系指出口企业凭符合条件的出口合同/订单, 向农行申请用于出口货物备料、 生产和装运等履约活动的短期贸易融资。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 4G和5G空闲态之间通过小区重选进行互操作流程( )
A. 对 B. 错 [单项选择]下列甲状腺疾病中,哪一项必须手术()。
A. 结节性甲状腺肿,继发甲亢 B. 青春期甲状腺肿 C. 青少年甲亢 D. 轻度甲状腺功能亢进 E. 妊娠时期甲状腺肿 [单选题]开放式输液的操作方法不正确的一项是()
A.严格“三查”、“七对” B.倒入少量溶液冲洗输液瓶及橡胶管 C.对不合作者可用夹板固定肢体 D.添加溶液时,溶液瓶不可紧贴输液瓶口 E.用注射器加药时,应拧紧针栓,在距输液瓶口约lcm处注入 [单选题]挂失补卡的,原卡电子现金剩余资金( )客户。
A.退还 B.不退还 C.与客户协商 D.系统自动退还 [单项选择]客户投诉处理可以减少客户巨变,并挽救频临临破裂的()
A. 客户关系 B. 销售关系 C. 市场关系 D. 人际关系 [多选题]易燃、易爆气体、( ),应设置警示标志,按规定配备有效的消防器材;电器设备必须安装防爆装置,正确敷设电气线路,保持场所良好通风。
A.作业场所 B.粉尘场所 C.危险品存放仓库 [单选题]责任保险的赔偿金额取决于()
A.受害人受到的损害程度 B.加害人应付的责任 C.法院判决赔偿金额 D.保险单规定的责任限额 [单项选择] You are the network administrator for TestKing. The network contains a Windows Server 2003 computer named testking1, which hosts a critical business application named Salesapp. Testking1 has one disk that contains a single NTFS volume. Five days ago, the System State of testking1 was backed up, and an Automated System Recovery (ASR) backup was created. No additional backups were performed. Subsequently, many changes were made to the Salesapp data files. You apply an update to the application, which requires you to restart testking1. Windows startup terminates with a Stop error. You restart the computer and boot to a floppy disk. A utility on this disk gives you read-only access to the NTFS file system. You discover that one of the .dll files for the Salesapp application is corrupted. The corrupted file is stored in the C./Windows/System32 folder. You need to restore the corrupted file. You need to avoid losing any changes made to the data files on testking1. What should you do onTestKing1?()
A. Perform the ASR restore procedure. B. Restart Windows by using the Last Known Good configuration option. C. Start the Recovery Console and replace the corrupted .dll file with a copy from the Salesapp CD-ROM. D. Reinstall Windows Server 2003. Do not format any volumes. [单项选择]在UNIX的操作系统中,超级用户的提示符为()
A. # B. & C. % D. $ [判断题]列车冒进信号机或警冲标后,司机不得擅自动车,须立即报告车站值班员(列车调度员),按其指示办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个关于MONDEX卡的说法是错误的。( )。
A.卡内金额能被兑换成任何货币用于国际间的购买 B.一旦遗失可以立即挂失 C.数字签名技术的使用,使该卡的支付比现金支付更安全 D.能通过ATM机方便地增加卡中金额 [单项选择]Turner综合征促身高生长的药物是()
A. HCG B. 生长激素 C. 垂体后叶素 D. 雌激素 E. 孕激素 [判断题] ( )滚动轴承发出异声时,可能是轴承已损坏了(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《营销现场作业安全工作规程(试行)》,互感器的安装、更换、拆除、现场校验应停电进行,一次侧有明显的断开点,二次回路断开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速(直通)动车组旅客列车车次 ( )
A.G3005 B.G5205 C.G6205 D.G7205 [判断题]当舱口盖或栏杆打开时,主电路才能送电。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]自动喷水灭火系统按()的开闭形式分为开式自动喷水灭火系统和闭式自动喷水灭火系统。
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