Bond had walked for only a few minutes
when it suddenly occurred to him that he was being followed. There was no
evidence for it except a slight tingling (隐隐作痛) of the scalp (头皮) and an extra
awareness of the people near him, but he had faith in his sixth sense and he at
once stopped in from of the shop window he was passing and looked casually back
along 46th Street. Nothing but a lot of miscellaneous people moving slowly on
the sidewalks, mostly on the same side as himself, the side that was sheltered
from the sun. There was no sudden movement into a doorway, nobody casually
wiping his face with a handkerchief to avoid recognition, nobody bending down to
tie a shoelace. Bond examined the Swiss watches in his shop window and then turned and sauntered on. After a few yards he stopped again. Still nothing. He went on and turned A. most people on the sidewalk were on the same side as himself B. no one suddenly turned into a doorway C. a man was looking into the windows of a store D. no one wiped his face with a handkerchief [单项选择]保障措施的实施期限不超过( )年。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]如果生产函数为Y=KL,那么劳动L的边际产品是()
A. K B. L C. KL D. Y/L [单项选择]I suggest transforming our social system from a (bureaucratically management) industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in (themselves)(in the Soviet Union as well as in the capitalist countries) into a humanist industrialism (in which) man and full development of his potentialities——those of love and of reason——(are the aims) of all social arrangements.
A. bureaucratically management B. themselves C. in which D. are the aims [判断题](判断题)判断题,煤˜岩、半煤岩和有瓦斯涌出的岩巷的掘进通风方式应采用压入式,不得
采用抽出式。()省局煤矿瓦斯抽采作业试题 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病毒性脑膜炎脑脊液细胞分类比例较多的细胞是()
A. 单核细胞 B. 中性粒细胞 C. 淋巴细胞 D. 嗜酸性粒细胞 E. 脓细胞 [判断题]市场利息率的变动是有界限的。其上限是不能等于平均利润率,下限是不能为零。
[单选题]照明消防车灯具点亮后勿立即关闭,应连续工作( )min,使光源卤化物得以充分循环,廷长灯管的使用寿命。( )
A.5 B.4 C.3 D.1 [填空题]有如下程序:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class AA
virtual void f( )
cout << "AA";
class BB : public AA
BB( )
class CC : public BB
virtual void f( )
BB::f( );
cout << "CC";
int main( )
AA aa,*p; BB bb; CC cc;
p->f( );
return O;
运行后的输出结果 【14】
A. 贯彻执行上级有关状态检修的管理标准、技术标准和工作标准,制定本单位设备状态检修相关岗位职责、现场作业标准和管理规定 B. 应用各类状态检修技术支持手段和装备,指导督促工区、生产班组及时准确收集和录入设备状态信息,全面掌握设备健康状况 C. 按照有关规定及时规范开展设备状态评价、风险评估、检修决策、计划编制、计划执行、绩效评估等工作,及时编写本单位输变电设备状态检修综合报告,并上报220千伏及以上输变电设备状态检修综合报告 D. 负责编制运维范围内设备状态检修计划,按要求上报220千伏及以上输变电设备状态检修计划,并根据下达的停电检修计划安排现场实施 E. 收集、整理并上报疑似家族性缺陷,对已经认定发布的家族性缺陷进行排查和处理 [多项选择]成本效果分析法:
A. 适用于相同疾病的不同药物治疗方案比较 B. 结果可为健康指标,如:存活时间、治愈例数、生命年等 C. 考虑到了病人的生命质量 D. 表示方法为每一效果单位所消耗的成本 E. 通常用成本效果比和增量成本效果来分析 [单选题]中国独立自主的和平外交政策,就是把国家主权和()放在第一位。
A.稳定 B.安全 C.发展 D.进步 [单选题]急性胰腺炎最重要的治疗措施是
A.解痉止痛 B.抗休克治疗 C.抑制胰腺分泌 D.抗菌治疗 E.使用胰蛋白酶抑制剂 [判断题]违法行为在六个月内未被发现的,不再给予行政处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]库存器材装备保管、保养方面的检查,基层中队每月、大队每三个月检查一次。易( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高速铁路桥梁结构斜交时,桥梁轴线与支承线夹角不宜小于60°。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH380B型动车组重联时司机在HMI确认“系统;联挂”显示页面上通过红圈中的白色点指示已达到“准备联挂状态”,将“方向开关”置于“1”位,通知机械师已退出占用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]屋面节能工程所用主要材料技术指标应符合国家现行产品标准及设计要求。现场抽样复验的材料为:()等。
A. 保温材料 B. 胶粘剂 C. 面层饰面材料 D. 锚固件 [单选题]线路保养质量评定标准中,轨距、水平、三角坑应连续检测( )。
A.50m B.100m C.200m D.300m [填空题]设立质押的应收账款账龄原则上不超过6个月,最长不超过( ),且未到付款期限。
A. 血清总胆红素为1.7~17.1μmaol/L B. 清总胆红素为17~34μmol/L C. 血清总胆红素为34~170μmol/L D. 血清总胆红素为170~340mol/L E. 血清总胆红素为350~720mol/L [多项选择]草乌的性状特征为
A. 呈不规则的长圆锥形,略弯曲 B. 表面灰褐色,皱缩,有纵皱纹、点状须根痕和数个瘤状侧根 C. 质硬,断面灰白色,有裂隙 D. 形成层环纹多角形或类圆形,髓部较大或中空 E. 无臭,味辛辣、麻舌 [填空题]汽车空调制冷装置主要由()、冷凝器、()、()等部件组成。
A. 减轻症状 B. 终止发作 C. 预防复发 D. 手术探查 E. 病因治疗 我来回答: 提交