W: It’s well-known science fiction plot to freeze a body and bring it back to life years later.
However, this may no longer be so far from the truth. Joining us from our Cardiff studio is Professor Andrew Morgan, who’s been doing some research into this subject. Professor Morgan.
M: Yes, well, I’ve been looking into the ability of certain animals to freeze themselves for a certain amount of time, and then to come back to life when the circumstances around them change. And, what I’ve been working on over the past two years is the particular process that enables them to do this.
W: What have you actually discovered
M: I think it’s a particular chemical in the animals’ bodies which begins to work under certain circumstances. And I’m now experimenting with this chemical to see if I can get other animals that wouldn’t normally be able to freeze themselves to be able to do this.
W: Have you had any
A. He is a film director of Science Fiction.
B. He is a writer of Science Fiction.
C. He is a scientist who researches on how to freeze a body and bring it back to life later.
D. He is a doctor who treats terminal illnesses.
William "Bendigo" Thompson, heavyweight
champion of England in the old bare-knuckle days was one of the dirtiest and
most treacherous fighters ever to step into a prize ring. Yet he was so popular
that a town, a racehorse and a liqueur were named Bendigo in his honor during
his lifetime. Bendigo Thompson was one of triplets born in Nottingham, England, on October 11, 1811. His mother was a coarse and violent woman. However, she was apparently acquainted with the Book of Daniel, for she nicknamed her three sons Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. As a child, the latter’s name was corrupted to Bendigo. He was raised in the slums. His mother was the terror of the neighborhood. She cursed like a fishwife and fought like an outraged army. When she lost her temper-a circumstance that occurred two or three A. the aristocracy B. corruption C. local sports clubs D. strict training procedures [判断题]齿轮传动有传动比恒定、传递功率大、结构紧凑等优点。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]男性,20岁,左侧胸壁刀刺伤2小时,进行性呼吸困难,发绀,休克。
体检:BP75/45mmHg,心率140次/分钟,左侧胸壁皮下气肿,胸廓饱满,呼吸音消失,叩诊鼓音。胸穿时,针芯被自动推出并有血性胸液。 请分析: 病人发生严重呼吸、循环功能紊乱的机制是什么 [单项选择]已知d[e-xf(x)]=exdx,且f(0)=0,则f(x)=()
A. e2x+ex B. e2x-ex C. e2x+e-x D. e2x-e-x [单选题]测温仪一般为手持式,主要由光学系统、( )、信号放大器、信号处理、显示输出等部分组成。
A.探测杆 B.耳机 C.连接电缆 D.光电探测器 [单选题]互感器或电能表误差超出允许范围时,以“0”误差为基准,按验证后的误差值追补电量,退补时间从上次校验或换装后投入之日起至误差更正之日止的( )时间计算。
A.1/3 B.1/2 C.1/4 D.全部 [单选题]患者72岁,下前牙自发性阵痛就诊。查下前牙磨损明显,左右下1冷(++),叩(-),X线示牙周情况正常。牙髓的感染途径为
A.牙周感染 B.血源性感染 C.龋病 D.牙隐裂 E.磨损 [单选题]下潜时经常观察压力表和浮力表,保持中性浮力,每下潜()米均需观察周边情况,气瓶压力低于5MPa时必须上浮出水,速度不得大于18米/分钟。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]机舱高度达()时会导致间断的机舱警告喇叭声响。
A. 8000FT B. 10000FT C. 14000FT D. 14500FT [单项选择]测量脾脏大小的正确方法是
A. 肋间斜切,通过脾门显示脾静脉时,测量其厚度及最大长径 B. 肋间斜切,显示胰尾时,测量其厚度及长径 C. 肋间斜切,显示腹腔动脉时,测量其厚度及长径 D. 肋下斜切,显示腹主动脉时,测量其长径 E. 肋下斜切,显示下腔静脉时,测量其长径 [单项选择]
The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right-handed. (71) until recently, people who were left-handed were considered (72) , and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally (73) , but it is still a disadvantage in a world (74) most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still (75) for right-handed people. [判断题]LAC30321单台机组240h试运行预验收证书签署的同时签署“单台机组移交生产交接书”,并视同单台机组移交生产交接完成。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]销售人员在向投资者宣传销售理财产品时,不必做自我介绍,尊重投资者意愿,不得在投资者不愿或不便的情况下进行宣传销售;
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]运用观测分析法估测设备的有形损耗率时需考虑的主要因素有( )。
A. 同类设备的技术更新速度 B. 设备的实际已使用时间 C. 设备大修、技改情况 D. 设备维修状况 E. 设备生产的产品质量 [单选题] 人工雨量器承雨器口内直径为 200mm,量雨杯的内直径为 40mm。量雨杯的内截面积正好是承雨器口内截面积的 1/( )。
A.5 B.10 C.20 D.25 [多选题]阻波器作用主要有( )。
A.分离工频电流和高频电流 B.阻止高频电流向变电站或分支线的泄漏 C.减小高频能量损耗 D.补偿高频信号 [单选题]根据我国当前货币供给层次划分口径,证券公司客户保护金包含于( )
A.M0 B.M1 C.M2 D.M3 我来回答: 提交