Friction between America’s military and
its civilian overseers is nothing new. America’s 220-year experiment in civilian
control of the military is a recipe for friction. The nation’s history has seen
a series of shifts in decision-making power among the White House, the civilian
secretaries and the uniformed elite(精英). However, what may seem on the outside
an unstable and special system of power sharing has, without a doubt, been a key
to two centuries of military success. In the infighting dates to the revolution, George Washington waged a continual struggle not just for money, but to control the actual battle plan. The framers of the Constitution sought to clarify things by making the president the "commander in chief". Not since Washington wore his uniform and led the troops across the Alleghenies to quell (镇压) the Whiskey Rebellion has a sitting pre A. struggled with the congress only for money B. lived up to the code of the constitution that the president was "the commander in chief" C. looked more like a general than a president D. did much more than he should as a president [单选题]固定翼常规无人机飞行辅助操纵面有( )
A.副翼、升降舵、方向舵、调整片 B.缝翼、襟翼、调整片、全动平尾 C.缝翼、襟翼、调整片 [判断题]道岔清扫完毕后,应按规定在《行车设备检查登记薄》上进行销记,并在《道岔清扫养护登记薄》上做好记录,待值班员或调度员签认后方可离开。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]当国际收支差不为零时;称为国际收支不平衡,国际收支不平衡是多因素综合作用的结果,其导致原因主要包括( )。
A. 临时性不平衡 B. 结构性不平衡 C. 周期性不平衡 D. 货币性不平衡 E. 收入性不平衡 [多项选择]在实行地域管辖权的国家其征税标志可以是()。
A. 收益来源地 B. 所得来源地 C. 财产存在地 D. 消费所在地 [简答题]调节阀可控制的最小流量和泄漏量是一回事,这句话对吗?
[单项选择]旋覆代赭汤证的病机是( )
A. 寒热互结,胃失和降 B. 胃气虚寒,和降失常 C. 胃虚有热,气逆不降 D. 胃虚痰阻,气逆不降 E. 湿滞脾胃,升降失常 [单选题]在电力线路附近作业时不得举梯移动,否则极易导致()事故。
A.火灾 B.高空坠落 C.物体打击 D.触电 [单选题]根据银发<2016>261号文件的有关要求,同一客户在同一商业银行只能开立( )张I类借记卡。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]以下哪个不是我行净值型产品信息披露渠道?( )
A.中国农业银行官网 B.中国农业银行网点 C.中国农业银行掌上银行 D.中国理财网 [单选题]在测量高压电缆各相电流时,电缆头线间距离应在()mm以上,且绝缘良好,测量方便者,方可进行。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 [多选题]分析包括()。
A.经常检查分析 B.定期检查分析 C.临时检查分析 D.专项检查分析 [单选题]高铁中型及以上车站( )站按规定设置水井、水栓,给水系统作用良好,水源保护、水质符合国家标准。
A.折返 B.给水 C.中间 D.技术 [多项选择]金属包装材料以其坚固性在包装材料中占有一定地位。金属包装主要有 ( )。
A. 马口铁材料容器 B. 铝罐 C. 喷雾罐 D. 铜罐 [单项选择]婴儿少尿的标准是每昼夜尿量少于()
A. 50ml B. 100ml C. 150ml D. 200ml E. 250ml [判断题]肽链合成过程中,肽酰 tRNA 结合在核蛋白体 A 位,氨酰-tRNA 结合在 P 位。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]功能疏散外风的方剂是
A. 大秦艽汤 B. 川芎茶调散 C. 小活络丹 D. 天麻钩藤饮 [单选题]汽车客运站安全生产规范“三不进站”在以下选项中不包括的是( )。
A.无关车辆不进站 B.无关人员不进站(发车区) C.危险品不进站 D.无通行证驾驶员不进站 [多选题]某负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门,曾对安全生产事项的审查、验收中收取费用,根据《安全生产法》应如何处理?()
A.A、由其上级机关或者监察机关责令改正 B.B、责令退还收取的费用 C.C、情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员依法给予处分 D.D、情节严重的,对其他直接责任 人员依法给予处分 E.略 F.略 G.略 [多选题]监理实施细则编写依据有( )。
A.监理规划 B.实施组织设计 C.监理大纲 D.专项施工方案 E.相关标准和图纸 [填空题]I want to rent a more (comfort) ______ room.
[单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. In 1975. B. In 1978. C. In 1973. D. In 1961. [单选题]停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。无明显断开点也无电气、机械等指示时,应断开( )
A.同级电源 B.下一级电源 C.上一级电源 D.断路器(开关) [简答题]线路综合维修验收评分标准规定, 正线及到发线钢轨出现轨缝轨端肥边大于时,每处扣除 8分。
Stockbrokers are agents who buy and sell stocks, shares and other securities for their clients. They are paid commission. Jobbers, on the other hand, buy and sell securities in large quantities. They are the wholesalers. The jobbers are always to be found in the same spot in the London Stock Exchange. They congregate according to the type of security they specialize in. So you can find all the jobbers dealing with rubber shares in one place, those interested in shipping another, those concerned with mining in another, and so on. Jobbers make a profit like any other dealer. They usually quote two prices; they are prepared to buy any reasonable quantity of that share at the lower price, and to sell at the higher price. These prices vary, of course, from day to day and even hour to hour, according to the demand. [多项选择]现阶段,我国的行政管理领导体制实行的是( )。
A. 合议制 B. 委员会制 C. 行政首长负责制 D. 党委领导下的首长负责制 [单项选择]物流企业在制定战略时要进行环境分析,下列不属于行业环境分析内容的是()
A. 现有竞争对手 B. 潜在竞争对手 C. 本企业资源优势 D. 供应商 [单选题]
1956年( )的完成,标志着社会主义基本制度在中国确立。 A.生产资料所有制改造 B.没收官僚资本 C.生产资料公有制 D.生产资料私有制 [多项选择]具体地说,物业管理服务主要包括( )等内容。
A. 物业区域内公共秩序、消防、交通等协管事项服务 B. 代收水电费用的服务 C. 物业档案资料的管理 D. 专项维修资金的代管服务 E. 物业装饰装修管理服务 [判断题]催泪器的持握可分为单手食指按压式、单手拇指按压式、双手食指按压式、双手拇指按压式。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.期前收缩
A.不完全性右束支传导阻滞 B.P-R间期延长 C.Q-T间期延长 D.右心室肥大 E.法洛四联症的心电图表现 [判断题]行为可以改变态度。
A. 肌肉损伤 B. 肌腱损伤 C. 骨关节损伤 D. 炎症 E. 周围神经损伤 [单选题] "车辆段/停车场信号控制室ATS工作站上采用()操作系统,运行ATS工作站/终端软件。
A.Windows 7中文专业版 B.Windows Verser中文标准版 C.Linux D.Windows Server中文标准版" [多选题]人员配置的原理包括()
A.同素异构原理 B.能位对应原理 C.互补增值原理 D.动态适应原理 E.弹性冗余原理 [多选题]事故分为( )。
A.责任事故 B.非责任事故 C.自然事故 D.不可抗事故 [单项选择]
In Britain, strictly speaking, there are three elements in Parliament—the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons is by far the most powerful and important of the three elements in Parliament and the Prime Ministers is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. After a general election in Britain, the Crown appoints tile Prime Minister who must be the leader of the party that has won the majority seats in the House of Commons. It is the Prime Minister who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings. He or she actually decides on who will be the other ministers and so on. 我来回答: 提交