As college seniors hurtle into the job
hunt, little fibs on the resume--for example, claiming a degree when they’re
three credits shy of graduation--seem harmless enough. So new grads ought to
read this memo now: those 20-year-old falsehoods on cream-colored, 32-lb.
premium paper have poleaxed so many high-profile executives that you wonder who
in the business world hasn’t got the message. A resume listing two fictitious
degrees led to the resignation of David Edmondson, CEO of RadioShack. Untruthful
curricula vitae have also hobbled the careers of executives at Bausch &
Lomb, Veritas Software and the U. S. Olympic Committee. The headlines haven’t dented job seekers’ desire to dissemble even as employers have grown increasingly able to detect deception. InfoLink Screening Services, a background-checkin A. one’s dishonest acts might be punished someday. B. many graduates tell trivial lies when preparing their resumes. C. some untruthful resumes have enabled new grads to hunt jobs. D. high-profile executives are able to identify the truthfulness of a resume. [单选题]六轴及六轴以上汽车列车,其车货总质量超过()千克。
A. 25000 B. 27000 C. 31000 D. 49000 [单选题]现场处置完毕,清理现场,需要继续办理的,将有关人员和证据带回处理或者移交有关单位处理,并将现场处结情况报告( )
A.指挥中心 B.单位领导 C.协作部门 D.报警人 [多选题]【多选题】桥梁工程所涉及的临时受力结构应由专业技术人员设计和检算,__________等必须由有资质的单位进行专项设计制造。
A.移动模架 B.爬模 C.挂篮 D.悬臂吊机及非标设备 [单选题]0°探头从轨腰侧面校对纵向裂纹时,会出现多次等分(声程1:25)回波,正常60kg/m钢轨每等分波的间隔约为( )。
A.0.7格 B.0.8格 C.0.9格 D.1.0格 [多选题]仓库内CPC卡箱整理包括( )。
A.装箱 B.拆箱 C.合箱 D.分拆箱 E.倒箱 [单项选择]
Currently, the American armed forces are the largest professional military on the planet. Other (1) have professional soldiers, (2) not as many as the United States. For thousands of years, it was (3) that professional soldiers were superior to (4) timers. But (5) most of history, few nations could (6) an army of professionals, at least not on a permanent basis. It washt (7) the late 20th century that countries began to (8) large, permanent, all-volunteer armed forces that were carefully (9) and trained for combat. Britain was the first, when it phased out conscription in 1962. In 1975, the United States followed (10) . For over a century, conscription has been seen (11) the way to remain (12) strong without breaking the bank. But the conscripts did not stay in uniform long enough to get really good at fighting. Britain and American were the first two nations to realize that conscription was so [单项选择]与异常的宿主反应有关的牙周炎是
A. 侵袭性牙周炎 B. 艾滋病 C. 慢性牙周炎 D. 牙周~牙髓联合病变 E. 牙龈炎 [简答题]2011年岁末,著名作家韩寒在网上连续发表题为《谈革命》、《说民主》和《要自由》的三篇博文,这几篇博文被称为"韩三篇"。过去,作家韩寒的影响力主要在网络和青少年群体中,但是三篇一出,迅速引爆了整个文学界,对韩寒的讨论掀起了一个新的高潮。在热论"韩三篇"内容的同时,IT界知名人士麦田则对韩寒的作品产生了质疑,一篇《人造韩寒》博文引发了一场网络口水战。著名网络打假人方舟子以其名气迅速取代了原主角麦田的位置,进行了网络对战。网络上迅速分为"韩粉"们的支持韩寒阵营和方舟子为代表的声讨韩寒阵营。两大阵营上演着一场声势浩大的网络对战。不久,韩寒起诉方舟子网络侵权的案件在上海某法院立案了。这标志着韩方之争从斗"嘴"阶段正式升格到斗"法"阶段了。法庭是解决社会纠纷的最终方式,韩方之争最终选择诉诸于法律来解决无疑是明智的。韩方之争只是在现代网络环境下网络侵权的一个个案。随着互联网行业的兴起,人们的言论自由极大限度地得到了延伸,但是在法治背景下,人们的自由又是有限制的自由,在网络上随便发表不合实际的言论,轻则侵犯他人的权利,重则可能造成刑事犯罪。公民如何正确地发表网络言论,如何对不当的网络言论进行监管,这些问题都是值得我们思考的。
作为一名法律职业者,请你运用法学的相关理论,谈谈你对这件事情的看法。 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}