A good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything for about twelve hours. You need food for morning activities.
One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.
You must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast.
A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more polite and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.
Cell Phone
Hegemony I recall how annoying it was years ago when smoking everywhere was legal in California. Many complained about the restrictions when they arrived, but I didn’t, because I seriously hated watching shoppers smoking through the tomatoes and lettuce in the vegetable section of the store. People forget how sickening that used to be, especially with the butts all over the grocery store floor. Tossing a burning smoke on the ground, stomping it with your foot, and leaving it to be swept up by somebody else later was somehow OK. But laws were passed, and you could finally shop without having to buy broccoli while gagging on a nearby Winston. Grocery stores are now filled with drips talking on cell phones about their sisters. I believe these obnoxious chatterers are all rebelli A. People like to talk in grocery stores endlessly about their sisters and family matters. B. The obnoxious users of cell phone in public places remind us of the smokers in grocery stores years ago. C. Smokers were angry when laws were passed to forbid smoking in groceries, and they now talked loudly in the shops on cell phone to rebel and revenge. D. People who now talk incessantly on cell phone in grocery stores are those who liked to smoke there before. [判断题]充量系数指的是每缸每循环实际 吸入气缸的新鲜空气质量与进气 状态下理论计算充满气缸工作容 积的空气质量比值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大跨度钢架结构厂房、库房灭火阵地设置应注意安全事项错误的是? ( )
A.应确认无倒塌风险或实施钢架结构冷却后,方能深入内部设置枪炮阵地。 B.严禁使用直流对砖混结构建筑墙体进行冲击破坏,防止应力改变,造成顶棚的坍塌以及连锁垮塌。 C.火势猛烈或有倒塌风险时,应设置移动自摆炮进行灭火或堵截,组织人员内攻。 D.在外部设置阵地时,应采取加固等措施或保持足够的安全距离,严防建筑外墙倒塌伤人。 [判断题]对现场检查事实认定书所述事实没有异议的,被查单位由被查单位主要负责人签字确认。
[判断题]教师自己的观点对学生而言是唯一正确的答案。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在钢轨上钻孔应使用专用钻孔机具,连接线安装孔两侧应采用专用45º倒棱工具进行倒角,其深度为2~4mm。.钢轨钻孔后应立即安装塞钉,塞钉与钢轨连接处涂油漆封闭。《高速铁路线路维修岗位》P171
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对驾驶员应当严格挑选、训练和考核,()驾驶员不得单独驾驶车辆执行任务
A.A、作风松散的 B.B、家在驻地的 C.C、技术不熟练的 D.D、刚领到执照的 [判断题]复曲线应在正矢递减范围内,从较大轨距加宽向较小轨距加宽均匀递减。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用刮刀铲起漆膜,()说明漆膜良好。
A. 漆膜一触即碎成粉末状 B. 漆膜成刨花状卷起 C. 底漆色泽暗淡 D. 底漆同面漆一并带起 [单选题]毛果芸香碱滴眼可引起
A.缩瞳,升高眼内压,调节痉挛 B.缩瞳,降低眼内压,调节麻痹 C.扩瞳,降低眼内压,调节麻痹 D.扩瞳,升高眼内压,调节痉挛 E.缩瞳,降低眼内压,调节痉挛 我来回答: 提交