At the present time, 98 percent of the
world energy consumption comes from stored sources, such as fossil fuels or
nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completely renewable
sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel
reserves, solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the
development of controlled thermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term
solution to the world’s energy crisis. Within about 100 years, the thermal
pollution resulting from our increased energy consumption will make solar energy
a necessity at any cost. Man’s energy consumption is currently about one part in ten thousand that of the energy we receive from the sun. However, it is growing at a 5 percent rate, of which about 2 percent represents a population growth and 3 percent a per capita energy increase. If [单选题]单选题载荷、索具或专用吊具从吊钩钩口脱出最可能引起( )事故。
A.脱绳 B.断绳 C.破断 D.脱钩 [多选题]辅助服务是指为维护电力系统的安全稳定运行保证电能质量除正常电能生产、输送、使用外由发电企业、电网经营企业和电力用户提供的服务包括:一次调频、自动发电控制(AGC)、( )等。
A.无功调节 B.调峰 C.备用 D.黑启动服务 [单项选择]以下对核电站中的采购活动说法不正确的是()。
A. 采购活动本身也是有质量的 B. 采购本身没有质量,采购的产品才有质量 C. 采购人员要经过培训和授权后才能上岗 D. 采购时要考虑合理的价格 [简答题]如何在生产环节防止劣质化妆品的产生?
[单选题]向封锁区间发出救援列车时,不办理行车闭塞手续,以( ),作为进入封锁区间的许可。《技规》第374条
A.绿色许可证 B.车调度员的命令 C.车站值班员的命令 D.路票 [判断题]对超出典型生产作业风险等级评估及到岗到位安排表范围或存在定级争议的工作内容,由各单位行政正职结合工作实际,确定作业风险级别。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人机分工TFDS动态检查范围和质量标准:制动软管连接状态( ),制动软管吊链无丢失、挂钩与制动软管无脱出,制动软管堵及吊链无丢失。
A.良好 B.上翘 C.脱开 D.漏风 [单选题]列车在区间停车()内不能恢复运行时,司机应迅速请求救援。
A.10min B.15min C.20min D.30min 我来回答: 提交