Questions 11~15
For one brief moment in April, Larry Ellison came within a few dollars of being the richest man in the world. The computer tycoon was holding a global conference call on a Wednesday morning, when the value of his company surged. It was the moment he almost overtook Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, as the wealthiest on the planet. For a few seconds, as share of traders marked Microsoft down and Oracle up, Ellison came within US $ 200,000 of Gates. The self-proclaimed "bad boy" of Silicon Valley found himself worth more than US $ 52 billion, up from a mere US $10 billion this time last year. Then Microsoft’s share price, which had plunged in recent weeks, recovered and the moment passed. Once, Ellison, founder of the software company Oracle, would have danced around his desk cursing like a pirate at fa A. (A) its share price is pretty high B. (B) it has more employees than Microsoft C. (C) it’s the biggest western company. D. (D) its software is more Internet-friendly than Gates’ Window [判断题]依照国家电网公司企业标准《变电站调控数据交互规范》Q/GDW 11021-2013的要求,变位信息是反映电网运行方式改变的开关/刀闸类分、合位信号,该类信号需实时监控。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]5岁男孩,浮肿1个月,体检有高度浮肿,血压16/10kPa,尿蛋白(+++),24小时尿蛋白定量2500mg,尿沉渣RBC5~8个HP,BUN5.4mmol/L。(以下2题共用题干)最可能的诊断是C( )。
A. 急性肾炎 B. 慢性肾炎 C. 单纯性肾病 D. 肾炎性肾病 E. 迁延性肾炎 [单选题] 气管切开内置套管的患者,其气管套管的内套( )消毒一次。
A. 4~6 h B.8 h C.12 h D.24 h E. 48 h [判断题]道岔的定位,应在《站细》内记明。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] Directions:
Yesterday you were told that there was going to be a seminar sponsored by a newspaper. The discussion is centered upon juvenile psychology. You want to make your presentation during the seminar, and now write a letter to the editor-in-chief of the paper. Your writing should be based upon the following outline: 1) inquiry about relevant information, 2) a brief account of your expertise, 3) and expression of your interest. Write your letter in no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use "Li Ming" instead; Do not write the address. [单选题]哪一年2月22日,国务院副秘书长陈进玉来学院视察工作?( )
A.2006 B.2007 C.2008 D.2009 [单项选择]确定子系统应该考虑诸多问题,下列不属于确定子系统优先顺序应考虑的问题是
A. 该子系统是否具有近期投资节省而长期效益好的优点 B. 它会影响到哪些人员,有多少 C. 它是否为初期的数据库结构提供基础性工作 D. 是否与系统在优先顺序上保持一致 [单项选择]防止主药氧化的附加剂
A. 氯化钠,葡萄糖 B. 苯甲醇、盐酸普鲁卡因 C. 苯甲醇、三氯叔丁醇 D. 亚硫酸钠、焦亚硫酸钠 E. 羧甲基纤维素钠、卵磷脂 [单项选择]消石灰粉的每袋净重为()
A. 30±1kg B. 20±1kg C. 20±0.5kg D. 40±0.5kg [单项选择]女性,45岁,高热、咳嗽、咳脓痰1周。X线胸片示左肺可见一薄壁空洞,内有液平,血象明显增高,最可能的诊断是()
A. 肺结核球 B. 急性血行播散型肺结核 C. 肺癌 D. 肺脓肿 E. 肺血管瘤 [判断题]牵头社作为社团贷款组织和分销的机构,应承担主要承贷责任,即按单一客户贷款总额达到资本净额10%(集团客户为15%)。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交