Canada is the second largest country in the world in area, although its (21) is only some 25 million, most (22) in a 200-mile strip (23) the southern border. Over 25 percent of the (24) number live in the three main cities. The northern areas of the country are almost uninhabited (25) for isolated settlements.
Canada is (26) a rich country, and its national (27) per capita is the fifth highest in the world, but its economy in recent years has been rather (28) , because of the varied nature of what it does.
Over the last three years, the Canadian economy has been hard (29) by failing oil prices and by rising US interest (30) . This has (31) to a steep fall in industrial production-by as much as a fifth since 1981. Some (32) now think Canada is on the (33) to recovery, though more cautions spirits say that no (34) can be expected until there is
A. residing
B. living
C. stay
D. inhabit
We drink more milk, eat more cream, cheese, butter than ever before. To meet and profit by this (61) demand for milk, dairy farmers have increased the (62) of their herds, they have (63) their grasslands more skillfully and have improved the quality of their stock. The average (64) of a cow in 1938 was 560 gallons at each lactation (哺乳期). Today it is well (65) 800 gallons.
The (66) of food given to a milking cow is (67) according to its weight and its yield. Sufficient energy, protein, minerals and vitamins must be fed to (68) the cow in good health and to replace (69) it loses in milk. A (70) supply of drinking water is essential. A cow will drink at (71) ten gallons a day and a (72) milker in hot weather may need as (73) as twenty-five gallons.
Cows are usually milked twice a day, early in the morning (74) in the late afternoon. Machine (75) is almost adopted
A. handle
B. treat
C. take
D. look
Vitamins are organic compounds
necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of
life of animals, including man. They do not provide energy, (21) do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for (22) foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if (23) is missing a deficiency disease becomes (24) Vitamins are similar because they are (25) of the same elements--usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and (26) . nitrogen. They are different (27) their elements are arranged (28) , and each vitamin (29) one or more specific (30) in the body. (31) enough vitamins is essential to life, (32) the body has no nutritional use for (33) vitamins. Many people, (34 A. Supplying B. Getting C. Providing D. Furnishing [多选题]变更用电的内容: ( )
A.临时更换变压器 B.分户 C.改变用电类别 D.迁移受电装置 [单项选择]当企业设在江河湖岸附近时,应使建筑物地坪标高高于最高洪水位()米。
A. 0.5 B. 1.0 C. 1.5 D. 2.0 [单项选择]下面( )是合法的标识符。
A. $persons B. 2Users C. *point D. this [单选题]摄影师甲为刘某拍照后,私自将照片卖给乙制作挂历销售。后来乙又将照片送给丙作橱窗广告,被刘某发现诉至法院。在本案中,侵害刘某肖像权的是( )。
A.甲和乙 B.乙和丙 C.甲和丙 D.甲、乙、丙 [判断题]战评总结通常分站级、大队级、支队级、总队级和部局级五个等级实施
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于新民主主义革命的动力的说法中,错误的是
A.选项A无产阶级是中国革命最基本的动力 B.选项B民族资产阶级是中国革命的主要对象 C.选项C农民是中国革命的主力军 D.选项D城市小资产阶级是无产阶级的可靠同盟者 [多项选择]甲签发汇票一张,汇票上记载收款人为乙,保证人为丙,金额为20万元,汇票到期日为2001年12月1日。乙持票后将其背书转让给丁,丁再背书转让给戊,戊要求付款银行付款时,银行以背书不具连续性为由拒绝付款。该事件中的票据债务人包括:
A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁 [单项选择]人寿保险的被保险人或者受益人向保险人请求给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为(),自其知道或者应当知道保险事故发生之日起计算。
A. 一年 B. 三年 C. 五年 D. 十年 [填空题]自轮运转特种设备中间站停车超过20分钟时,开车前必须进行制动机( ).
A. 是否解锁 B. 是否有液压 C. 换向阀位置 [单项选择]转让土地使用权的收入应缴纳的营业税为( )万元。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6 [单项选择]腰间盘脱出导致坐骨神经痛的急性期治疗应首选()。
A. 大量维生素B1、B12肌注 B. 试用一个疗程激素疗法 C. 早期康复训练 D. 手术治疗 E. 卧硬板床及使用止痛剂 [判断题]( ) FEWD 仪器建立新工作趟钻时,只能手动选择及输入工具的参数。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于运用市场法、收益法、成本法估价所选取的可比实例房地产,也应进行实地查勘。()
[多选题]许可开始工作的命令可采用( )等方法。
A.当面许可 B.电话许可 C.传真许可 D.邮件许可 [判断题]装设接地线时,应先接导线端,后接接地端,接地线应接触良好、连接应可靠。拆接地线的顺序与此相反。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]ABL005 4 2 2
作为主要用于传质过程的塔设备,无论其操作条件如何不同,但总的要求是( )。 A.气液两相在塔内能充分接触,以获得较高的传质效率 B.处理量高,操作稳定,弹性大 C.塔盘的压力降小,不易堵塞 D.结构简单,节省材料,制造和安装容易,使用方便,易于操作、调节和检修 [单选题]( )根据SOLAS公约规定,以下关于每艘要使用的救生艇筏的指挥人员,不能满足相关要求的是______。
A.驾驶员负责指挥救生艇 B.持证人员负责指挥救生艇 C.经主管机关准许,精通救生筏操纵和操作的人员负责指挥救生艇 D.经主管机关准许,精通救生筏操纵和操作的人员负责指挥救生筏 [单项选择]Until recently, Chinese people had (31) reasons not to roam for pleasure. Travelling in ancient China was (32) . As a proverb (33) it, "You can be comfortable at home for a thousand days, (34) step out the door and run right into trouble. " Confucius threw guilt into the mix: "While your (35) are alive, it is better not to travel far away. " (36) , ancient Buddhist monks visited India, and Zheng He, a fifteenth-century eunuch, famously (37) the emperor’s fleet as far as Africa, to "set eyes on barbarian regions".
Over the centuries, Chinese (38) settled around the world, but tourism had been considered as politically forbidden until the late seventies of the last century when most Chinese gained (39) to go abroad for anything other than work or study. First, they were permitted to visit relatives in Hong Kong, and, (40) , to tour Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. In 1997, the government (41 A. access B. pass C. freedom D. approval [判断题]国家综合性消防救援队、专职消防队扑救火灾、应急救援,不得收取任何费用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高架区间单线桥直线段疏散平台有效宽度为( )mm。
A.900 B.800 C.1000 D.1100 [判断题]开放信号时,不得测试与该进路有关的设备( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]设置在多层民用建筑内的燃油或燃气锅炉、油浸电力变压器、充有可燃油的高压电容器和多油开关等用房应设置( )。(中)
A.火灾报警装置 B.设置与锅炉、油浸变压器容量和建筑规模相适应的灭火设施 C.燃气锅炉房应设置防爆泄压设施 D.燃气、燃油锅炉房应设置独立的通风系统 E.紧急的装置的应急 [多选题]金融机构反洗钱工作的三项基本制度是( )
A.客户身份识别制度 B.客户身份资料和交易记录保存制度 C.大额交易和可疑交易报告制度 D.保密制度 [判断题]当静电的放电火花能量足够大时,能引起火灾和爆炸事故,在生产过程中静电还会妨碍生产和降低产品质量等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]BAD001 4 2 3
正常生产时,裂解单元废水的来源有( )。 A.裂解炉超高压蒸汽汽包间断排污 B.稀释蒸汽汽包连续排污 C.稀释蒸汽汽包间断排污 D.装置区域内雨水和雪水 我来回答: 提交